Wise men came to attest to the birth of the child Jesus. Wise men still come to Him. Their journey started in the East (or sun rising). They came to worship the Christ child. Mat.2:1 Their visit did not coincide with His birth, for Herod commanded that they search diligently for the < young child >. Mat.2:8
When Herod realized that they were not going to return to bring him the news that he had requested, he ordered all the children two years old and under, in Bethlehem, to be slain. Mat.2:16 This would make the age of Jesus to be two or under at the time of this wanton killing of babes by Herod. Joseph was to escape with the young child into Egypt. Mat.2:13 The wise men were led by a star. All stars are suns, shining of their own light. This star had a specific time and purpose when it appeared and became obvious to them. There are certain characteristics of this star which must be taken into consideration.