June 11, 2003 (8)THE SUN CLAD WOMAN. There never has been nor will there ever be a Bride more beautifully clothed than this woman. Our sun is our source of natural life. It is just as simple as no sun, no life. All life exists and is sustained by the sun. While our sun is not the largest in the universe by any means, it is to us the great light, and as such is a type of the Father. The scripture goes so far as to say that the LORD, Jehovah, is a sun. Just as certainly as God is a Spirit, John 4:24, and God is light, 1 John 1:5, and God is love, 1 John 4:16 all of which help explain His being and nature, for He is literally, positively, precisely what the Word says He is. He is light, He is the light and blazing glory of our sun. Light exists because He who is light, created, the light which is in our sun as light for this earth. Gen. 1:3 He used His light to dispel the darkness which ruled this earth. The very first act of light was to disperse darkness, what a beautiful type of salvation. The light bearing bodies were not created until the fourth day, four being the number of the earth. The light which He had created as a symbol and type of Himself He then placed in all the suns in the universe. Yes, He is a sun. Shining forth the greatest of all lights. Ps. 84:11
WERE WE TO SEE THE LORD, WHAT WOULD WE SEE? We would see a being of light. The greatest light which can be seen in the whole of the universe. The Lord, Himself is our everlasting light. A light that cannot go out nor can it be extinguished. A sun which will never set, for He is eternal light. Isa. 60:19-20 He lives and dwells in unapproachable light, light so strong and brilliant that man in his sinful state could not stand to be in His glorious presence. 1 Tim. 6:16 The robe of the Lord is light, He is thoroughly wrapped and surrounded with that brilliant light. Laser light cannot begin to compare to the Lord of light. Ps. 104:2 If the Lord is so beautifully arrayed, then most certainly the garment of the Bride will be of the same magnificent cloth. What a beauty she will be. Ezekiel, under the inspiration of the Spirit saw the brightness of the Lords glory” as it filled the court of the temple. Eze. 10:4 Baptism into Christ means that we have put on Christ. Gal. 3:27 If we have put on Christ, we than have become what He is, for we are clothed with Him. He is the brightness, the effulgence, the shining forth of the glory of the Lord. He is what His Father is. Bearing the identical image and likeness, the attributes and the character of His Father. Heb. 1:3 The precise representative of His Father. So much so, that He was able to say that if any man had seen Him, Jesus, He had seen the Father. Did that make Him the Father, no of course not, but He did bear the complete and identical presence of His Father. John 14:9 Clothed completely with the eternal glory of the Living Lord. The promise of the Word is that as He is, so are we in this world. 1 John 4:17 The woman is so involved and intertwined with Christ that she has lost her own identity has become completely what He is. What an amazing, marvelous transformation the true church will experience in these last day. Thrilling beyond words. Correction to Woman 7. First paragraph, line eight. Should be Leviticus 23: