June 10, 2003 (7)THE RELIGIOUS YEAR WAS BASED ON THE LUNAR YEAR. The New Moon was the beginning of the Sabbatical month. It was a day for rejoicing, festivity and thanksgiving. The trumpets were to be sounded proclaiming a New Month. Num.10:10 A new beginning, a new life, like in Christ, who makes all things NEW. Rev. 21:5
THE TIME OF THE FEAST OF PASSOVER AND UNLEAVENED BREAD WERE DETERMINED BY THE PHASE OF THE MOON. The full moon in particular. Num. 28:16-18. This is greatly significant inasmuch as Christ is our Passover. 1 Cor. 5:7 The moon was at the peak of its brilliancy at the Time of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
THE TIME OF THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES WAS ACCORDING TO THE STAGE OF THE MOON. Starting with the new moon on the first day of the seventh month to the fifteenth day, the full moon, and the commencement of the Feast of Tabernacles it was a time of great festivity. It was harvest time, the gathering of the general harvest of the land. Lev. 23:24-33 This is the one feast that as yet is unfulfilled in a Spiritual sense in the church. It represents the great outpouring of the Spirit and the perfection of the church in the end of the age. Passover, foreshadowed or redemption by the blood of Jesus. Pentecost, the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Tabernacles, the time when the promises of the Lord to dwell in His people, in His fullness will be accomplished. The moon was and certainly is not to be worshipped in any way but it was directly connected to their time and order of worship. The moon, indeed was for times, signs and seasons.
REFERENCES MADE TO THE MOON PORTRAYING CHRIST. How beautifully true, in His days the righteous will flourish, or break forth as a bud or bloom. Wherever Christ is exalted there is to be found great fruitfulness and spiritual growth. Peace to be in great abundance in the heart and life of those who are His. He is enduring and everlasting and so the moon is depicted as having the same attribute. (Margin, until there be no moon.) While the type will cease, Christ will continue eternally, He will outlast that which is created. Ps. 72:7 He is established, permanent, immoveable, eternal and everlasting and the moon represents that faithfulness. It is the sure, the faithful witness established in the sky. Ps. 89:37 His testimony of truth and faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting. It is stipulated that He is the faithful and true witness. The very beginning of the creation of the Lord. Rev. 3:14 The Lord uses types, shadows and parables to illustrate Bible truths. These were a shadow of the things to come, the reality, however, is found in Christ. Col. 2:17 NIV. The Book of Revelation is filled with just that sort of pictorial language and is best explained by searching the Scriptures and noting that which is recorded in the volume of the Book. The Bride will be built on a foundation of truth and righteousness. It is rock solid, unchanging and as steadfast as the Lord Himself.