Monday, August  11, 2003 (50)KNOWLEDGE, CREATING HAPPINESS. Obedience is a companion that directs the Christian to the source of happiness. The way maybe strewn with many untoward circumstances but Jesus Himself learned obedience by the things which He suffered. Heb. 5:8 Jesus gave and established an example, with the expectation that His disciples would follow in the pattern which He had established. Note carefully His words. I have given you an example, that YE SHOULD DO AS I HAVE DONE. John 13:15 Just what had He done? He had greatly humbled Himself in the act of washing their feet. He had not performed this as the lowly Jesus, but as their Lord and Master. In other words, as Deity, as very Lord and God among them in human form. It was a performance by one who was the greatest among them, their leader and their Lord. The disciples had confessed Him to be their Lord and Master and that was correct, for He was. John 15:13 They then, also ought to wash one another’s feet. They owed it to one another. They were under obligation and were bound to wash one another’s feet. This was given to them as a command from a superior. The seriousness of this example given by the Lord Jesus requires much consideration on our part. John 13:14 The bride will be in absolute obedience to His every command. 

SIMON PETER. Always the impetuous one. He questioned the action of the Lord, whom he held in the most supreme respect and reverence. Peter, felt his complete unworthiness. John 13:6 Every transaction of the Lord Jesus was filled with purpose and meaning. Ever the teacher, He responded with a prophetic statement. Though Peter did not understand at this particular moment, in the future he would comprehend. John 13:7 The response of Jesus did not satisfy Peter. For he said, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Spoken hastily and with such emotion. How easy it is to identify with Peter. Too often words are spoken in the spur of a moment without previous thought. Unity, fellowship with the Lord Jesus was dependent on the acceptance of His washing their feet. This word of the Lord suddenly makes the washing of feet to be of vital importance. To refuse washing was to miss being a part and parcel of who He was. To be like Him. To bear His image is the burning desire of every true, consecrated child of the Lord. They want to fulfill His will. To emulate the very life and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus uttered some very serious words, when He said, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. John 13:8This places what Jesus did far beyond a fulfillment of mere custom. Custom required that water was supplied and the feet washed on entering the home. John 13:4-5 This was an extremely important time in the life of Jesus. He was facing Calvary. The cross was quickly approaching. It was a moment of great importance to Jesus. He was leaving them an ensample. 

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