Friday, July 25, 2003 (39)THE LORD SEES THE FINISHED PROJECT FROM THE BEGINNING. Because the nature of the Lord is faith, from the laying of the foundation, He views His purposes as they will be when completed. He cannot fail, therefore every plan that He designs, will be finished precisely as He depicted. He views His Sion in the beauty of her completion. He looks upon her as the crown jewel of His plan of salvation. He has already established, set, and installed His King upon His holy hill of Zion. Note, it is His King, the King of His choice and that He, the King, is situated in my holy hill. The hill of the Lord which is His Zion. Ps. 2:6
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SURE FOUNDATION. Laid in Zion, literally the whole of the City located on it. Without this foundation there is no City. His foundation is the only certain footing for an eternal City. Isa. 28:16 It stands secure, solid and as a seal is the knowledge of the Lord as to those who are His. The City is composed of those who know the Lord by His name and have departed from iniquity. Only the very best, the purest of materials will be used in the building of the heavenly Zion. 2 Tim. 2:19 Peter wrote, very convincingly, that the stone, is a stone which must be believed in, or if not it becomes a stone of stumbling. While being the true stone of the Lord, it is a snare and a thing of displeasure to those who reject the stone. Unfortunately, because of their attitude and disobedience they stumbled and fell, tripping over the stone, the word of the Lord. The Lord knowing, from the beginning, their response, committed them to react as they did. A serious indictment and judgment pronounced against a disobedient people. 1 Pet. 2:8
THE REJECTED STONE. In refusing to accept the Lord Jesus the very key to life eternal is forsaken and lost. Any possibility of participation in the glories of the beauty and majesty of that heavenly city is forfeited and gone forever. That stone which was and even today is refused is the head of the corner. 1 Pet. 2:7 The most important, the most valuable stone in all the building, the Lord Jesus Christ, the chief corner stone. Acts 4:11 That stone upon whom the whole of the building is dependent. The stay, the strength of the structure, is assured because of Him. The head stone of the corner. All authority, all leadership, all stability is to be found in that which man refused and cast aside. Ps. 118:22 This is the LORD doing and is marvelous in our eyes. Ps. 118:23 How glorious and wonderful is the mighty plan of salvation. Deity leaving the highest position in the universe and in eternity. Coming into the world, knowing and understanding the rejection which would take place. Knowing that being humbled to become a man was not enough, but that a sin offering must be made. He must give His life. His blood must be shed. What tremendous and amazing a display of love for mankind. The whole of all that is heavenly and eternal rests squarely upon Him. He is the headstone. His all, and in all.