July 02, 2003 (23)CAN GOD ACCEPT A REBUILT TEMPLE AND RESTORED ANIMAL SACRIFICES? The Lord who is not negative, speaks in negative terms of both the temple and the sacrifices, by rejecting them. They were but shadows of the real. The real being the good things that were brought to light through the Lord Jesus. Animal sacrifices CAN NEVER bring about perfection or a pure conscience. Heb. 10:1-2 Why would He re-institute a form of religion of which it is said, It is NOT POSSIBLE that the blood of bulls and goats take away sins. Heb. 10:4 What utter futility, to reestablish something which did not nor can it accomplish its intended purpose. It is impossible for the Lord to find any pleasure in animal sacrifice or ritualistic worship. Heb. 10:6, 8 The first, the Law of sacrifice, has been removed, abolished that the second, redemption by the blood of Christ, might be established or made to abide forever. Heb. 10:9 To revive and restore that which has been abolished and superseded by that which is superior can only create negative feelings and reactions in the heart of the Lord. The Lord already showed His displeasure with a repaired veil and a continued sacrifice of animals by allowing the utter destruction of both the temple and the city, as predicted by Jesus, that there would not be one stone left resting upon the other. Mt. 24:2 All because they did not recognize the visitation of the Lord. Luke 19:44 

WHO IS THE HE OF DANIEL 9:27? Who is the Covenant maker? More than that who is the Covenant? From the outset, let it be said that the Hebrew word berith or covenant is only used once in a negative fashion in the Old Testament, and that is in a covenant made with death. Isa. 28:15-18 Every other usage of the word covenant is in relationship of a pact made between the Lord and man. A covenant is an alliance between two persons or groups. The Lord in making covenant with Abraham sealed the covenant and verified it by oath, swearing by himself for there is none greater. Heb. 6:13 PROPHETICALLY, Jesus was declared to be THE MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT. Mal. 3:1 The blood which He shed, the very blood of God, Himself, was acknowledged as the BLOOD OF THE COVENANT, that which has created a fellowship, a communion between the Lord and His people. Heb. 10:29 The true covenant, the covenant sealed by the blood of Christ is an ETERNAL COVENANT. Heb. 13:20 To correctly understand the HE of Daniel 9:27 we must know who the great covenant creator is and who keeps covenant with man. Not only is it Christ Jesus who shed His blood for our redemption but He has also entered into the throne presence of His Father as our great High Priest. Presenting His blood as the seal of the covenant and our only hope of redemption. He has entered into that which is the real. The greater, the most excellent tabernacle. The building of the Lord. Not a structure created by the hands of man but by His nail pierced hands alone. Heb. 9:11 The HE of Daniel nine, is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. He made the covenant. He sealed the covenant. He keeps the covenant. He fulfilled and fulfills the covenant. He is the COVENANT.

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