June 25, 2003 (18)THE BEAUTY OF THE WILDERNESS. Prior to the arrival of the Bride the area is dry barren ground. Empty of vegetation and waters to promote growth. What had been void and dry was about to spring forth into life and a great change. Therefore the desert place will rejoice and be glad for them and will bring forth beauty as the rose. Spirituality influences all that surround it and brings forth life. Isa. 35:1 The lush growth resulting in the presence of the Bride will be in great abundance. Joy, rejoicing and abundant song will be heard there. Songs of adoration and praise unto the Lord. The beauty, the glory of Lebanon shall be seen there. Lebanon, so named because of its white snowy peaks. Which are symbolical of the purity and righteousness of the Lord. Also noted for its beautiful cedars. The Lord has promised to make His footstool a place of beauty and glory. Isa. 60:13 The magnificence of both Carmel (fruitful, plentiful) and Sharon (pleasant, prosperous) to be in great evidenced in the wilderness. Likewise the splendor, the glory, the comeliness of the LORD, Jehovah to be fully manifest. Isa 35:2 

AS WITH ISRAEL, SO WITH THE BRIDE. When Israel left Egypt there was not a sick or maimed person among them. They had just partaken of the Passover and discovered the healing virtue of the blood and the flesh of the Lamb. Ps. 105:37 So with the Bride, there will be no ambulance cases among them. They are all in complete physical health. Isa. 35:3-6 

WATERS FROM A GREAT VARIETY OF SOURCES. There is no lack of an assurance that water will be in great abundance in the wilderness. Water is that which is typical of the Holy Spirit. Once again, as it was with Israel, so it will be with the Bride in the wilderness. In Horeb (dry, desolate, drought) the Lord stood before the people on the rock. When Moses smote it an exceeding abundant supply of water gushed forth from it. Ex. 17:6 Consider the tremendous flow of water that was necessary to take care of three million people plus all their animals. Surely our Lord is amazing. And that rock was Christ. 1 Cor. 10:4 As He was with the children of Israel, most definitely He will be with His Bride in the wilderness. Bursting forth in the desert will be tremendous flow of water, or more importantly the moving of the Spirit. Note that there will be streams, plural, flowing in the wilderness. Isa. 35:6 Where there was but parched ground there will be a pool of fresh pure water, and in all of the thirsty land there are to be springs of water. Isa. 35:7 The Lord calls it a new thing. Something which springs up, suddenly appears on the scene. Streams of living water in the waste land all as a blessing for His people, those who are His chosen. The very elect of the Lord. Isa. 43:19-20 His choice ones, the people whom He formed for His own good pleasure. The crowning work of His redemption. A church, a Bride who is fully dedicated and sold out to all of His plans and purposes. Isa. 43:21

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