June 17, 2003 (12)A WOMAN WEARING A CROWN. That would certainly make her to be royalty, a reigning monarch. Rev. 12:1 The Lord, who is the creator of all things beautiful and of value, has made her to be a crown of glory and a royal diadem, in His hands. Isa. 62:3 Not only is she crowned but through His workmanship she is the crown jewel of heaven and eternity. The woman crowned with the brilliant glory of the living Lord. Were it not for the Lord, she would not be able to occupy such a high and holy position. He has promised that He, Himself will be a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to her. The fullness of His glory and majesty will rest upon her. She will be what she is, because of Him and His presence, which will dwell in His Bride. Isa. 28:5 

THE CROWN OF TWELVE STARS. The stars are the third in the light bearing bodies created by the Lord. In the poetical language of the scriptures, stars are made to represent individuals. In particular those who are filled with the Spirit. In the symbology of the Godhead they represent the Holy Spirit. The Lord, in making His promise to Abraham concerning his progeny used them as a sign of the number of His offspring. That number is astonishing. Our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, where our earth is found, is composed of hundreds of billions of stars. It is about 100,000 light years broad. A light year is the distance light would travel in one year, or about 5,88 trillion miles, and that is just our galaxy. It is estimated that there are some 100 billion galaxies spread through the visible universe. These numbers are beyond comprehension, particularly in the light of the promise given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The promise of a seed to equal the number of the stars. A number, of which the sum total is not yet known. The farther man can look in the universe, the farther he finds it to be spread out. The edge or the end has not yet been discovered. 

THE THREEFOLD PROMISE. All of which present a real problem when it comes to numbering their totality. The first instance was the stars. His descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the heavens. Gen. 15:5 The second time, after the offering of Isaac, the Lord made this promise He added another impossible subject to be numbered and that was, as the sand of the sea. Gen. 22:17 The third measurement, though first in sequence, is such a common element as dust. Gen. 13:16 Dust, could well be the greatest in volume. It would represent all those who would have some trace of having descended from Abraham, of which There are many. The second, sand, representing the natural seed. The last, the stars, that which is glorified. The redeemed, those who have accepted the Spiritual life which is found in the Lord Jesus. The wise, the righteous are they who are destined to shine with the glory of the Lord throughout the eternity to come. Dan. 12:3

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