June 16, 2003 (11)WHO IS THIS? YES, WHO IS THIS? It behooves every Christian to know and understand just exactly who she is. She is coming from the wilderness or the desert place. Prophetically, according to the schedule of the Lord this woman who was delivered by the Lord and concealed in the wilderness, Rev. 12:6, is now returning from the wilderness. Song 6:10 What majesty, what beauty is upon her. She is glorious and shining like the dawn of a new and bright sunlit day. She is as beautiful as the moon reflecting the light of the sun. As Christ who is the distinct radiance of His Fathers glory. She is as pure, as choice as the sun. One to be desired and longed after for she is completely emptied of self, and filled with Christ, her beloved. She is as awesome as a mighty army with banners. Because of the radiance that is upon her she strikes fear into the heart of her enemies. She is a great and mighty army, in absolute unity as they march. Her foes are to be pitied. She is the army of the Lord. Joel 2, Rev. 19:11-16
COMING FROM THE WILDERNESS. Coming like pillars of smoke. Smoke accompanies and is the result of fire. The mighty presence of the Lord on Sinai had the appearance of fire and smoke, concealing the glory of the presence of the Lord. Ex. 19:18 The same manifestation is evidenced in judgment. The visitation of the Lord in sentencing Sodom and Gomorra was after the same manner. Gen. 19:28 The presence of the Lord can be a complete blessing unto life eternal or an absolute condemnation to eternal damnation, depending on the spiritual condition of those whom the Lord is visiting. In this instance the smoke is caused by the incense of myrrh and frankincense as well as various other spices, all of which are representative of the prayer and worship of the Bride for her Bridegroom. Note Rev. 8:4
LO, THERE ARE TWO COMING FROM THE DESERT. The Bridegroom and His beloved Bride. Like a couple returning from a honeymoon, she is, in love and adoration, leaning on His arm. Both in affection and for strength. Song 8:5 His right hand, the hand of power, strength and authority sustaining her. Ps. 63:8 There is a love story between Christ and His church, that exceeds all others. The emotion and love expressed between them are pure and untainted by the lusts of this world. Her words may be found in scriptures like Psalm 63:8 My soul followeth hard after thee, thy right hand upholdeth me. She clings to or stays close to Him. On His part, it may be said, the king shall greatly desire thy beauty. The Word is filled with their expressions of love, one to another. Theirs is perfect love. During the time of trouble upon the earth, such as has never been nor ever shall be, she has been kept in absolute, perfect peace. Her trust and confidence has been in the LORD JEHOVAH for He IS everlasting strength. Isa. 26:3-4 The story of her deliverance and protection is marvelous and wonderful and amply foretold in the Word. Rev. 12:6, 14