JESUS TOOK THE PLACE OF THE WICKED. The innocent, sinless, faultless SON of GOD. The man who had not committed sin of any kind or form, must now take upon Himself the sin of the world. He literally became SIN for us. All wickedness, all unrighteousness, all ungodliness and every act and thought of sinful man was now heaped upon Him. From Adam to the last man to be born the iniquity of us all was made to be His iniquity. It was as if though He was the only man to have ever sinned. Jesus took our place as our vileness, yet, He was absolutely pure and sinless until that moment when He became sin. This had to be, that we might be made the righteousness of God, through the Christ of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21
THE FATHER SENT HIS SON TO BE A SIN OFFERING. The law in spite of its multiplicity of sacrifices, failed. It failed because of the weaknesses and sinfulness of those who administered the Law. Now, one has come in the likeness of sinful man that He might become the once for all sacrifice that would meet all the Divine requirements of the Law, in those who follow Christ. We can now satisfy the demands for holiness found in the Law by walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Rom. 8:3 He took upon Himself our guilt and the shame of our sin. The just, the righteous man taking the blame so that He could bring us into fellowship with the Lord. The price He paid was death. He who is very life itself went to the extreme of suffering death that we might live. Death, the grave could not contain Him. He was raised by the power of the Spirit and exalted to the right hand of the Father on high. 1 Pet. 3:18
THERE IS NO MORE HEINOUS DEATH THAN THAT OF CRUCIFIXION. All who were nailed to a tree were not only condemned by man but in the sight of the Lord were cursed. The Law not only contained blessings if its demands were met, it also contained curses if the Law was not fulfilled. Not only did Jesus bear the sin of every man, the curse of the Law was upon him. Jesus who was and is the best took the place of the worst that the worst might be made like unto Himself, the best, the very best. Gal. 3:13.:END: