WOE TO THE TRAITOR. Isa 33:1 This spirit is in the world today. The man who is the ultimate traitor must be alive today. we could list a number of past world leaders who at one time or another were proclaimed by prophetic preachers to be the antichrist. This has been done because they have not understood the pattern of the antichrist as revealed in the Word.
JUDAS, THE BETRAYER OF JESUS. Jesus chose twelve men to be His disciples, well knowing that one was a devil. An accuser, a traducer, an evil spirited man. John 6:70 This choice was a deliberate act. A warning to the church down through the ages of time that this condition would always be present. The antichrist will come from the church of the last days. This is not to create suspicion in the church but to make us realize that if it was so in His day, how much more so will it be in ours. Judas was ordained along with the rest of the twelve. Mark 3:14 When Jesus sent them forth two by two he was paired with one of the other disciples. Peter recognized him as being one of their companions and fellow ministers. Acts 1:17 At the last supper Jesus mentioned that one of the twelve should betray Him. This immediately created a stir among them, each asking, is it I. Mt. 26:22 While they were mature men, in spirit they were babes. Innocents and naive. Let us make sure that we do not follow their example. There is another distortion in the character of this man that must be considered for it is a characteristic that will be found in the antichrist. Judas carried the bag, he was their treasurer. John 12:6 The LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil. The antichrist will live for the possessions of this world and will heap them unto himself. We must ask ourselves what is important in our lives. The pursuit of the Lord or the god of this world and his reward, riches. The church is even now being tested along these lines.
WOE TO THE RAGINGS OF THE NATIONS. Isa. 17:12 The tumult of the nations, how many ways this can be applied. We pollute the air with noise of every kind and description. The world has become a world of blasting noises. Listen to the roar of the freeway, the clamor created by boom boxes, radio, TV, etc. Not to be excluded the noise of war, revolutions, the roar of the mob. In all of it is the sound of anger and fighting against the Lord. But God shall rebuke them and they shall be
dissipated as chaff before the wind. v.13 In the eventide [of this age] terror shall grip the hearts of the ungodly as it dawns up them that Jesus is truly coming again. This will be the reward of those who persecute and rob the church and the people of God. The Lord has a controversy with this
generation of the ungodly who have persecuted the church of the Living God. They will not escapee the final judgments that are set judgments and will be carried out at the coming of Christ.