December 14, 2002(6)

UNDEFILED AND UNSPOTTED. This company of individuals have two outstanding and distinguishing characteristics about them which separate them from others. In order for them to be in this company they must posses certain qualifications. In the first place they are women and of necessity must be virgins. The Greek word used here is parthenos. A parthenos is described as a woman living under the protection and care of her fathers house. Rev. 14:4 The Bible gives evidence of a number of miraculous births. The one most outstanding and closely related to this was MARY, the mother of Jesus. Isaiah had prophesied of the virgin who would conceive and birth the man who was to be called Immanuel, or God with us. Isa.7:14 The angel of the Lord made reference to this prophecy when assuring Joseph that this was all of the hand of the Lord. Mt. 1:23 A virgin birth is not impossible with God. With whom there are no impossibilities. If scientist can produce a pregnancy, even to cloning, how much more God. The virgin birth should be more acceptable today than ever before. The Lord produced another miraculous birth in those days. Zacharias and Elisabeth were both descendants of the priesthood and were themselves Godly living people. They were faithful in serving the Lord. They were also beyond the age of child bearing. Once again the Lord is about to do the impossible. They are to become the parents of John the Baptist. Once again it is the angel of the Lord who proclaims to the father to be, just exactly what shall be. There is no question but what the Lord rules and reigns amongst men and does that which is according to His own will. He has established His ultimate goal and has been working toward the accomplishment of the same. 

THE TIMING OF THE LORD IS ALWAYS RIGHT. God promised Abraham that he would be the progenitor of great nations, but did not immediately fulfill His promise to him. Gen. 17:6 The Lord waited until it was physically impossible for Abraham and Sarah to have children. Then the Lord performed a miracle and rejuvenated their old bodies so that they could produce Isaac. Gen. 17:17 This revitalization came about by the Lord taking the letter H out of His own name (JHVH, or Jehovah) and inserting it in the name of Abraham and Sarah. The letter H is the eighth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Eight is the number of resurrection. In this fashion the Lord interjected His resurrection life into them and they became fruitful. Isaac had to pray for Rebekah his wife to bear children for she was barren. The Lord heard and Esau and Jacob were born to them. Gen. 25:25-26 The wife of Jacob, likewise bore him no children until the Lord intervened. Gen. 30:22-23 The Lord was building a dynasty and made certain that all involved in that Godly lineage must acknowledge that it was the hand of the Lord that made them who and what they were. The ultimate purpose of the Lord will be accomplished through Christ and His Bride. That which to man is not possible will be consummated by the Lord.

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