May 10, 2003(25)

UNWITHERING LEAVES. Never dying, never growing old. Constant and consistent foliage on these fruit trees. There is no longer a season for them. They are changeless and permanently filled with life. Trees are the tallest living plants on the face of the earth. Also, they are the oldest living thing known to man. Eze. 47:12 The palm (Tamar, erect, straight and tall.) is used in the scriptures as a type of the RIGHTEOUS. It will flourish, break forth and spread. Ps. 92:12 How like the Coconut palm, its fruit buoyant and carried by the winds and the waves until it is a universal tree. Scattered wherever the climate is conducive to its growth. The seed, the coconut, like the Word of the Lord carried to the islands and continents of the world. The palm tree is a source of life in many areas of the world. The Palmer palm gives a sweet nectar which becomes a sweet drink, delicious brown sugar or even an intoxicant. All of which have spiritual connotations. The Sago palm is likewise a source of food and is used in construction, even for coffins. The oil palm has a great variety of uses from cooking to cosmetics. The date palm summarily is a source of sustenance. The palm tree with its many varieties is such a necessity to the existence of so many in our world. Incidentally, they are never devoid of leaves. No wonder it is used as an example of a tree of life. We have just scratched the surface of its usefulness, which is multitudinous. 

ISRAEL CAME TO ELIM. Elim, palms or strong trees. This was their second stop. Here they found twelve wells or springs of water plus seventy palm trees. The springs signify the presence and flow of the Spirit. The numbers represent leadership and government. Ex. 15:27 Moses was ordered to chose seventy of the elders of Israel who were to share with him, from a distance, the experience of the mighty presence of the Lord. Ex. 24:9 Seventy were ordained to approach the Tabernacle and be there while the Lord spoke with Moses. At that time the spirit that was on Moses was transferred to the seventy that they might share in the responsibility of leading the children of Israel. Num. 11:16 Jesus anointed seventy beside the twelve and sent them forth to minister to the people and prepare the way of His coming. Their work was highly successful and cause great rejoicing among them. Luke 10:1, 17. With proper, God appointed leadership the church is to prosper, spiritually. The Lord established certain patterns in His Word and remains consistent in their usage. There will be life, growth and fruitfulness when the Bible pattern is followed.

IT IS OF INTEREST TO NOTE. When Jesus enter Jerusalem at the time of what is known as the Triumphant Entry, it was the branches of palm trees that were used in welcoming Him. John 12:13 Carvings of palm trees were used extensively in Solomon’s Temple. Both on the inside and the outside as well as the door. 1 Kings 6:29-32 Ezekiels Temple also has a significant display of carved palms. Eze. 40 – 41. The spiritual importance of the palm tree is self evident.

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