May 03, 2003(23-24)

LIFE GIVING WATERS. Waters of abundant supply. Swiftly flowing with great strength and might. Clearing out all refuse and clutter that may have been filling the river bed. Typifying a mighty revival flowing through the world which is a must. A saving, cleansing, sanctifying flow of the Spirit sweeping multitudes into the kingdom of the Lord, while at the same time purifying a Bride for the Lord Jesus and bringing her to perfection. The mountain of the House of the Lord, to be preeminent and attractive. The nations of the world to flow to it. Isa. 2:2 The work of the Holy Spirit in the past century has been mighty and glorious, but the very climax, the flood tide is yet to reach its zenith. The last day outpouring is to be accompanied by mighty and fearsome signs and wonders in heaven and earth. All this prior to the second coming of Christ. The imminent return of Christ is an impossibility until these signs have been fulfilled. Study these scriptures very carefully, meditate on them, pray about them, they are very important to we who live today. Acts 2:17-21 The next great spiritual event effecting this world is not the second coming, but is the revival and perfecting of the church. 

A GREAT CROP OF TREES GROWING ON BOTH BANKS. Once again a symbol is given which is of great importance. The growth of these trees, on both sides of the river symbolize the double portion or full and complete portion. That which Elisha desired of Elijah, not just twice as much but the same identical measure, a like amount. 2 Kings 2:9 These two prophets typify Christ and His church. As we see and fully comprehend the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ we become eligible for the same anointing which was upon Him. The first born was to receive a double portion of ALL. Deut. 21:17 The double portion is the identical quantity and quality of the Spirit which was manifest in the Lord Jesus. The Spirit which was in Him, flowed like Ezekiels river, in measureless volume. The Spirit was given to Christ, not by measure, that makes it measureless. No boundary, endless, immeasurable and in full capacity. John 3:34 The trees are seen in Ezekiiel as individual trees, in their initial planting and growth stage. In the book of Revelation they will be gathered into one, the Bride of Christ. They are fruit trees, whose fruit never ceases. At no time of the year is there any lack of a crop. Their fruit is new, fresh or firstfruits The feast of firstfruits, was in the seventh month or at the time of the feast of Tabernacles. It was also called the feast of harvest. It was the closing feast of the Levitical year and speaks of the end of the age. Ex. 23:16 The Lord Jesus is called the firstfruits of the resurrection. 1 Cor. 15:23 The one hundred forty four thousand are likewise called firstfruits. Firstfruit is simply the first ripe fruit or the beginning of the harvest. It was to be dedicated to the Lord. It was the assurance of a great harvest to follow. As it was with the natural crop so it will be with the spiritual. Firstfruits are not the conclusion of the harvest but a promise of greater to come.

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