January 25, 2003(12)
GOD WAS MARRIED TO ISRAEL. He plainly stated that He, as their creator was also their husband. Isa. 54:5 The one who, in the first place had brought them into being through His original creation, Adam and Eve. Then had called their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be a race dedicated to Himself. They were to be His bride and to be the people who would bring forth His Son, the Redeemer. He called her unto Himself. Seeking a people who would consecrate themselves unto Him. To be totally and completely dedicated unto Him. Ps. 45:10 Her commitment to Him was considered to be a thing of great beauty. More than appearance, the Lord seeks after those whose hearts are < sold out > unto Him. He is a covenant making God and desires His people to keep His covenant with them. His heart is greatly moved by the obedience of those who are His very own. Ps. 45:11
I AM MARRIED UNTO YOU. This was the confession of the Lord as stated in Jer. 3:14 We can only guess at and imagine the feelings of the heart of the Lord in dealing with a people who were constantly going astray and seeking after other gods. Rest assured that if we can be moved emotionally and find ourselves deeply stirred by another human being with whom we are in love, The Lord is moved in a greater measure. He is LOVE. His love is true, pure and strong. His disappointment can be measured with the same measure, and He was constantly being saddened because of their attitudes toward Him. He called them as a backsliden, apostate, idolatrous people to return unto Him. So wicked had she become in her backsliding that the Lord gave her a bill of divorce. His separation from her was legal and proper because of her adulteries. Jer. 3:8
THE COMMUNION AND FELLOWSHIP OF THE LORD.Rather than on a national basis the Lord was to change His association with mankind and make it to be on an individual status. Jer. 3:14Salvation is not to a nation, a city, or a tribe but as a single person the Lord now deals with us. The destination is Zion, not the earthly but the heavenly, for it alone is eternal. He declared that by one and two He would gather a people together. They will not originate from one nation but from all nations of the world. These are to be pastored, shepherdized and fed the Word of the Lord. They will be a people who are filled with the knowledge and comprehension of the Lord. Jer. 3:15These are a people who do not worship the Lord after the pattern of the Tabernacle and Temple. They are not under Law, but under grace. Jer. 3:16 Their dwelling place is the New Jerusalem. They worship before the throne of God which is situated in that city. Jer. 3:17 Judah an Israel will be recognized and unified in that day, that is those who have followed fully the ways of the Lord. This is not a natural or simply a physical occurrence but is a work of the Spirit of the Lord in bringing to pass a people who love Him with all of their hearts. For an inheritance in the Lord. Jer. 3:18