Seattle, April 12, 2005.
41. DUAL REQUIREMENTS. The first is to love Him. The second is to demonstrate that He is indeed loved by keeping His commandments or being obedient to His Word. The word commandments is not a reference to the Law of ten commandments. It is rather a challenge to follow the pattern and life style that has been established by the Lord Jesus. John 14:15 A real love for the Lord Jesus is proof of an acceptance of both, the Father and the Lord Jesus. Jesus was commissioned and sent by the Father. He is the royal and eternal one who originated from the Father. Because Christ is the Son of the Father, He is the issue of the Father. All who love the Father will love His only begotten Son. There cannot be a love for one without a similar love for the other. John 8:42 Obedience to the words of the Lord Jesus is the evidence of our love for Him. To love Him is to assure that person, that they are also loved of the Father. The end result of this love is the manifestation of the Son to that obedient and beloved person. John 14:23
MAINTAINING THE DIVINE PRESENCE OF THE LORD JESUS. The secret is found in adhering fast to sound teaching that is based on the scriptures. Continuing in the faith and love that is found in a knowledge of Jesus as savior and Lord. Embracing truth, faith and love is the very core, the heart of true Christianity. 2 Tim. 1:13 Jesus spoke of the first and the great commandment being that of a love for the Lord thy God. A love that would exceed all love for any other being or object. Mt. 22:37 It is to be an all consuming love. A love that can only transpire between two persons who are of the same mind and spirit. We know that the very nature of the Lord is love. We must also consider the statement of the Apostle Paul when he said that the same love has been shed abroad, in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, who is now resident within us. Rom. 5:5 The second commandment, is similar to the first, for when the true love of the Lord is in us, we will love our neighbor as ourselves. Mt. 22:39
THE SPIRIT OF RESURRECTION. The same Spirit which raised the Lord Jesus Christ from the tomb is the Spirit that dwells in the consecrated who make up the real body of Christ. If the same, the identical Spirit is the Spirit that is in the church, then the power of resurrection is resident within. It is wonderful to look down over the ages of time and realize that there is coming a glorious day where the dead in Christ will be raised. However, Paul is not talking about that day. He is referring to the here and now, this present moment of time. The Spirit of resurrection brings to the human body a refreshing, an empowerment that goes beyond the natural abilities of men. The promise is, that He will also quicken, make alive, your mortal bodies. That embraces every kind of supernatural ability and strength. The power to endure, while overcoming the frailties and limitations of the flesh. It most certainly embraces healing for the physical body. It makes a way for the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit to be exercised in the body of believers. It enlivens both physically and spiritually. Rom. 8:11.