February 17, 2005

3. NO OIL, VERSUS OIL. How strange, yet so typical of the way the Lord does things, is the importance of oil in our economy today. In many ways it is a driving force causing wars and inflation. It has a very strong grip on the world of today. The wise made certain that they carried with them an extra source of their oil supply. Lamp oil, became the deciding factor in their acceptance or rejection by the bridegroom. Pure olive oil was required of the people as a fuel to keep the lamps burning in the tabernacle and the temple. It was accordingly associated with worship. The olives were beaten and the oil pressed out of them producing a clear oil that literally shined. Ex. 27:20 This anointing oil and its use for the lamps is a type of the Holy Spirit . The unity of the brethren is exemplified by the holy anointing oil which was used to anoint Aaron for the priesthood. Ex. 29:7 likewise the prophets, 1 Ki. 19:16 and kings in Israel. 1 Sam.10:1, Ps. 89:20

THE KEY TO BEING A MEMBER OF THE BRIDE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. John’s baptism was in water which is an element of this world. The baptism which Jesus gives is of the Spirit and is of the world to come. It is heavenly. It is the Spirit of the Lord Himself who enters into the recipient. Purging his spirit nature with the fire of the Spirit, while filling the individual with a heavenly atmosphere. It is called a baptism because one is literally inundated with the Spirit of the living Lord. He comes upon us and fills ever fiber of our inner being. John said that the baptism which Jesus would introduce would be with fire. A most wonderful fire. Powerful yet amazingly soothing and peaceful. The fire, the heat, the burning may be felt but it is not hurtful nor yet destructive to the person being filled with the Spirit. Mt. 3:11 we are the lamps, the Holy Spirit is the oil and without Him every light will dim, flicker and die. In His letter to the Ephesians, Paul urged them to be filled with the Spirit. One translation gives it as, be ye being filled. In other words a continuous and consistent revelation and infilling of the Spirit. Eph. 5:18 It cannot be over emphasized that the constant infilling of the Spirit is an absolute must. The Holy Spirit is a very special gift from our heavenly Father and is given to all who would ask the Father for that precious gift. Luke 11:13 The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. He will speak the truth and make the truth know unto those who welcome Him into their lives. When it is He who reveals the truth unto us, how can we know truth unless the revelator makes it plain unto us? How can we walk in the path of righteousness unless we have the guide of all truth with us? He will not exalt Himself nor speak of Himself but will glorify the Lord Jesus and make Him known to all who seek after Him. The five foolish, went astray because they did not have the proper and true guide. They were good women but did not remain Spirit filled. The wise were prepared in every way for the advent of the bridegroom. Their lamps were shinning brightly illuminating their path and attracting the bridegroom to the source of light that appeared before him. They were walking in the light of the Lord and on the right highway.  

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