March 30, 2005.
32. AT JORDAN. Elijah and Elisha arrived at the bank of the river anticipating that the Lord would indeed call Elijah home. Standing afar off are fifty sons of the prophets who are not participating but are there as mere spectators. Fifty is the number of Pentecost. We have here a picture of the final mighty move of the Spirit in the earth just prior to the enactment of those things that are final. The two prophets of the Lord are right in the midst of the action about to take place. While the others are only watching and that from a far off. 2 kings 2:7 Most unfortunately, not all will participate in the final powerful move of the Lord. It will not only be a manifestation of the majestic power of the Lord but will also be a restoration of righteousness in the church.
THE MANTEL OF POWER. The cloak or mantel, as an instrument displaying the power of the Spirit. Perhaps a sheepskin. The throwing of it over Elisha was a call to the prophetic life. Now, as it strikes the waters of Jordan it is divided and the two prophets go over dryshod. 2 Kings 2:8 Jordan typifies the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Paul knew the experience of being crucified with Christ. Then living in the glory and power of that new life that is in Christ. Gal. 2:20 The depths of the Christian experience is found in dying and being raised together with Him. Not a physical death but dying to the old carnal nature. Rom. 8:4-6
WHAT SHALL I DO FOR THEE? An offer that was without restrictions. Surely that involves the ALL THINGS that we find in the New Testament promises. Such as all things being possible. Mt. 19:26 All things received of those who pray in full faith. Mt. 21:22 All things freely given. Rom. 8:32 All things working together for good. Rom. 8:28 And so on. Elisha, being the spiritual man that he was, requested a double portion. 2 Kings 2:9 That double portion is not only twice the amount of the original but literally involves a full and complete portion, or the full measure. There is no greater portion than that of the Lord Jesus. He received the Spirit without measure. The same portion is made available to the believer, especially in the last days.
IF YOU SEE ME. Great importance is to be found in these words. Most definitely, Elisha was not about to take his eyes off of Elijah. It is a good thing for the church to have a vision of the Lord Jesus and to fix our eyes on Him. He is our example in all matters. He has delegated the church to represent Him and to be His ambassadors in this world. 2 Cor. 5:20 If we are to properly exemplify Him then we must know Him thoroughly. Always being in touch with Him and constantly learning of Him. He is to fill our vision that we might be a good example of Christ in every aspect of our daily lives. Note and consider Heb. 12:2 Let Him constantly be the object of our affections.