March 18, 2005.

24. The past, and hopefully all in the past. The items a fore mentioned are the works of the flesh and the evidence of a life that is walking contrary to the Lord. They depict the place where we all lived at one time but now, thanks to the Lord Jesus they are in the past. Along with the pervious list, Paul now gives us the manifestations of the flesh, the inward carnal person, works that are to be put off or cast aside. Such as anger, indignation and wrath and its subsequent consequence if not controlled, rage or wrath. Malice, wickedness or depravity are also to be abandoned. Likewise, blasphemy or misuse of the name of God. Unclean, vile, filthy, suggestive communication not to proceeded from the same mouth and heart that praises the Lord. Lie not one to another. All elements of a worldly life that are to be abandoned by every child of the Lord. Col. 3:7-9.

How extremely necessary it is that we now are clothed with that new man. Col. 3:10 The new man is the one who has put on Christ. He is a completely new creation. Who is no longer controlled by the past life. He is free from its bondages. If not, then they most certainly may be fully liberated from the carnage of that old life. ALL things have now become possible for that new life that emulates the life of the Christ of God. The soul, the spirit, the mind are all renewed by the Spirit of the Lord. Our knowledge and acquaintance with Him is increased day by day as we seek His will and way from the Word of the Lord. His whole purpose is to create a people who are like Him in every aspect of the word, and in every detail. Col. 3:10 

CHALLENGED TO BE ONE IN CHRIST. No racial or other divisions of any kind to be found in the house of the Lord. Ingrained prejudice is not easily forgotten but in Christ all are to become one and equal one to another. Now we see those aspects of the Christian nature that all this will produce for we are to reflect the high calling in Christ, as His elect. As the holy and beloved people we are to put on the very nature of Him who has called us unto Himself. We are to wear, compassion, bowels of mercy, the identical compassion and mercy of Christ which He has so abundantly showered upon us. His kindness, His humility of mind, His meekness, gentleness and His patience or long-suffering, all of which we have abundantly received of Him. Of exceptional importance is the ability that He grants us to bear with one another and where there is a division or grievances the competence to forgive and forget is greatly like Him. It is an imperative for our own spiritual welfare. We are to forgive even as Christ forgave us. A forgiveness that is far greater than the offense. Amazingly, when all is forgiven the deeds never seem to have the same importance which they had while we still fussing over them. Col. 3:11-13.

Most important is the force that motivates the laying off and the putting on of charity or love. First our love for the Lord Jesus. When His love is active in our hearts it becomes easier to love one another and in that fashion fulfill the law of Christ. It will weld the body into one unit and produce His Bride. Col. 3:14-15

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