March 17, 2005.
23. A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO THOSE WHO ARE RISEN WITH CHRIST. It is obvious that the Apostle anticipated that those in the body of Christ would have spiritual desires. His exhortation is, and this certainly applies to our day, that those who are risen with Christ would seek spiritual benefits, from above. The source was Christ and the things sought were in the spiritual realm and not in the natural. Paul expected that the church would experience, in their spiritual life, the power of death and resurrection. That would have been to him, normal Christianity. Col. 3:1.
Here is a very special Word for we who live in the Laodicean church age. Set, establish, fix your minds on those things which are from above. In direct contrast to those things which are of this earth and life. Col. 3:2 What ever happened, to seek ye first the kingdom of God? With its promise that all these things shall be added unto you. Mt. 6:33 Once I was young, now I am old but never have I seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread. Ps. 37:25 The preachers of today are directing their sheep in the wrong direction when they encourage them to seek the riches of this world.
The dead neither seek nor need anything from this current world. Those who are crucified with Christ and have died to the beggarly elements of this world no longer crave the pleasures of his world. Pleasures which do not satisfy, even when they are achieved, they create a desire for more of the same. Spiritual life is found in those who have consecrated themselves to full and complete fellowship with Christ. Their lives are hidden in the secret place of the Most High. They dwell in Christ and He dwells in them. Col. 2:3
The question then is, is Christ our life? This is not speaking of a casual Christian life style. A pattern which many practice in these days. Spiritual matters find a low place sometimes last on the do list. It is only if we have made Him, our life, that we shall be united with Him when He shall put in His appearance. Then that blessed union will result in the complete glory of the Lord being revealed in His people. Col. 3:4
Ouch! Paul was too strict. Just think of such a suggestion as he made. Mortify, bring into subjection, subdue, deaden, deny the cravings of the flesh. The strong desires of the carnal man must be put aside if the life of Christ is to be made manifest. The two cannot coexist in the life of the Christian. The list that he supplies us of the works of the flesh, which are to be dealt with, is just as fitting for today as in his day. Sexual immorality, uncleanness or impurities of a spiritual, mental or physical kind. Lust or evil concupiscence which is a longing for that which is forbidden and covetousness or greed which he likens to idolatry or worship resulting in an exceeding strong desire for an object or thing. This kind of a sinful life most positively will evoke the wrath of the Lord upon those who do such things. The Lord has established the divine requirements for those to follow who would be His. He has not established a code of living that is beyond our reach for it is He who enables us to live the life that He has made for us. Col. 3:5-6.