Seattle, March 04, 2005

14. THE CLEANLINESS OF THE BRIDE. She is the product of the Lord performing a full and complete work of redemption in her. She is totally sanctified, spirit, soul and body. The whole being having been brought into an absolute union with the Lord. The key is found in our experiencing His experiences. The life of the Lord Jesus being lived out in our lives. Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ.” Gal. 2:20 Creating a life of victory over the annoying “works of the flesh.” The ability to do so is in the crucified life. It is the living, the manifestation of the life of Christ in us, in its totality. Paul was not singled out as the only one who was to put the carnal man to death. He included the whole of the body of Christ by saying, that if we belong to Christ, then we too have crucified the flesh and all of its affections and lusts. Note that he said, they HAVE crucified the flesh, past tense. Gal. 5:24 This is not some kind of a super Christianity, it is normal, every day living for Christ. The physical being of Paul was still very much alive and active, as witnessed by his travels while preaching the gospel. He was then living a life that was diametrically opposite to his previous one. Christ was now alive in him. This is what the spiritual man desires. To have Christ manifest in our spirit nature. To live that blessed life of absolute faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. 

LIVE AND WALK IN THE SPIRIT. Being born of the Spirit we embark on the most wonderful journey known to man. Everything that is desirable to the heart of man is found in that new life, the life of the Spirit. It is the will of the Lord that His people live and walk in the Spirit. Gal. 5:25 There is to be found perfect, complete, an unmitigated life style where there is full freedom from the law of sin and death. This is the freedom of reality. Freedom, such as is sought by this world, to commit every and all acts of sin and wickedness is not liberty or freedom, but is bondage. Sin binds. Sin makes mankind to be its slave. Jesus sets us free from the power of sin. He enables us to live free from those chains of unrighteousness that once dominated our lives. If He sets free from some iniquities, why not all iniquities. The Christian, living by the Spirit of the Lord need not sin every day in word thought or deed. That is defeatism and negates the power of Christ to deliver us from all sin. Rom. 8:2 Christianity is not a mediocre life that is to be lived by a dead or dying religious individual. It is a living, and a life giving organism. It is time for the church universal to, “Awake to righteousness and sin not.” 1 Cor. 15:34 Every vital and necessary experience and gift has been made ready for full and absolute victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Those who have been truly born of the Spirit and the Word are a victorious people and are listed in the Word as being victorious. 1 John 5:4-5 The greater one dwells in the spirit nature of those who are the children of the Lord. When He dwells within, He will demonstrate His ability to produce a life that is above the beggarly elements of this world. It is the Lords will to perform His Word in His people and to lead them into a pure, sinless life. 1 John 4:4. 

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