Seattle, March 03, 2005
13. THE WEDDING GARMENT THAT SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS. The Lord in His graciousness, love and appreciation for His Bride will bestow upon her a wedding gown that is absolutely the grandest ever. None other, however spectacular can even begin to compare to it. It is of the finest of all linens.Rev. 19:8 Oddly enough the finest linen came from Egypt, [a type of captivity]. His church is brought out of captivity into the glorious liberty that is in Christ Jesus. Her garments are clean and pure. They also show her high and exalted position in the eternity to come. She is a leader in authority and spirituality, for she will have been made up of kings and priest unto the Lord. Rev. 1:6 All the work of the Lord always has the stamp of purity and righteousness. She is clothed in the righteousness of the saints. A shining example to all, and will be on display throughout the ages of eternity. Eph. 2:7
CLOTHED IN LIGHT. The whiteness, the brilliancy of her wedding garment is more than just a color. The word white in the Greek is, lampros, meaning to be bright, radiant, clear, gorgeous, magnificence or sumptuous. This leaves little question as to the tremendous beauty of this Bride. Rev. 19:8 Following the exhortation of Paul, “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,”we would anticipate that the bride would have the same appearance as the Lord Jesus. Rom. 13:14 Peter, James and John were privileged to see the Lord Jesus in His eternal glory on the mount of transfiguration. The glory that was manifest there was the eternal glory of the Lord. The clothing of the bride will be no less spectacular. She has put on Christ. The veil was removed and His disciples saw Him in all of His glorious majesty. The face of Jesus shone as the sun. His clothing, because of the power of the Spirit within Him, became as white as the light. Mt. 17:2 Shining, exceeding white as snow. Dazzling white NIV. Mk. 9:3 The Greek word for “white” is leukos and translates white or light. The word “light” is phos and means to shine or make manifest, especially by rays, also fire. Strongs Definitions. An even more wonderful translation is, “his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightening.” Luke 9:29 NIV. The KJV states that His raiment was white and “glistering.” We should not expect anything less when we see that the throne of the Lord is alive with “flashes of lightning” proceeding from it. Rev. 4:5a The Lord Himself is light, period. Not just spiritual light but He is the Light. All light emanates from Him. 1 John 1:5 The Lord has clothed Himself with light. Ps. 104:2 Moreover, He dwells in light, a place of light that is unapproachable by men. 1 Tim. 6:16 He is the Father of lights [note the plural]. There is no other source of light, of any kind, to be found anywhere in the universe. James 1:17 He has been light, everlastingly and eternally. It is His being, His essence, His character and ever shall be. He created light, for this world, before He created the light bearing bodies. Gen. 1:3 When the Lord clothes His bride she will be the most beautiful creature of all of His creations.