The prophet Hosea speaking under the anointing of the Lord recognized the fact that Jacob, now called Israel, had power as a prince and prevailed over Him. Hos. 12:4 The scene as it is presented to us is absolutely staggering. How can anyone have such authority with the Lord? Is the secret to be found in the abject humility of Jacob/Israel, for Hosea said; he wept and made supplication. Jacob travailed before the Lord. Power with the Lord is found in brokenness of spirit and heart expressed in a prayer such as the Lord Jesus prayed. It is stated of Jesus, that in the days of His humanity, He prayed. Prayer is the door to power with the Lord. Not only did He pray but He prayed multiple prayers. Likewise He presented supplications or frequently entreated His Father. His manner of prayer was not an infrequent act but continuous.
Now the key, when He prayed it was with strong crying and tears. That speaks to a manner of prayer, in the Spirit, which is called travail. It is the most infrequent prayer prayed, yet the very most effective and of vital importance. We must remember that Jesus was not only God but also man. As a man He was subjected to every avenue of life which we face. The Father saw the travail of the soul of the Lord Jesus and it appeased Him. In prayer, Jesus made intercession for the sins of all of mankind. Thus, in the ultimate, on the cross, He was made to be the sacrifice for the iniquity of all of humanity. Isa. 53:11 The agony of travailing prayer is no where more vividly portrayed than when the Lord Jesus entered the garden of Gethsemane. Under the extreme pressure and burden of bearing the sins of the world His skin actually exuded blood. Mt. 26:36-44 We take notice that as this attitude and calling to prayer came upon Him He became exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death. Also, that His position in prayer was that He fell on His face. Power with the Lord comes at a terrific price to the flesh but is glorious in the Spirit and it produces great results.
Jacob named the place of His encounter with the Lord, Peniel for he had seen the Lord face to face. Gen. 32:30 What an experience, is it reserved only for Jacob? Jacob then ìpassed over,î he went over to the other side of the brook as the sun came up and began to shine on him. The key to his passing over was in the authority of the name of the Lord which had been made manifest to Him and his name change. Taking license on a play of words, the Passover, the blood of the covenant will play an integral part in the ultimate fulfillment of this story as it is repeated in modern day history.