The Law

Jacob at Jabbok. Here is a beautiful type of a spiritual experience that every child of God should be subjected to. Jabbok means pouring out or emptying. It is here that Jacobs nature was altered. One cannot come to a place in their spiritual life where they empty themselves of that old carnal nature as Jacob did, without a complete and glorious change coming into their life. Jacob spent the night in prevailing prayer. He found himself in a battle, not with evil forces but with one who is stated to be a Man (Gen. 32:24) and an angel of the Lord. (Gen. 48:16). Furthermore, the Man proclaimed Himself to be God, for Jacob wrestled with God, an evidence that he had power with Him. Gen. 32:28 He had a very personal meeting with the Lord for he was able to say that he had met Him, face to face. Gen. 32:30 What a glorious moment in the life of any and all who would meet this Man under such circumstances. There can be no question about the identity of this Man. He is the Man, Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 2:5.

What an example. Jacob, a mere man, when he came to a place of emptying himself and coming unaccompanied before the Lord he had a most enviable spiritual experience. When we are emptied out of self, there is a place of communion, of meeting with the Lord where a tremendous price may be paid on our part, but the rewards far exceed any loss. As a matter of fact, what is lost was not worthy of the Christian life anyhow. Jacob wrestled, he laid hold, actually held captive the Man with whom he did battle. If Jacob can lay hold of the Lord in such a manner then that encounter is available to everyone who will make the necessary consecration. What an absolutely amazing scene lies before us here in Jacobís ability to lay hold of the Lord in such a manner. It is like a speck of dust momentarily laying hold of and controlling the whole universe. Thus documenting, making known the fact that Jacob was a man of power and authority with God and would prevail over mankind as a leader. One who would triumph over his foes. Gen. 32:28.

Jacobís wrestling match completely altered his life. Due to the hip joint being altered Jacob, from this moment on he was identifiable by his walk. All who knew the story could identify him from afar. He was given a title, making him to be a prince of the Lord, which involved the manifestation of the power and authority of the Lord in his life. His name was changed, sealing the fact of the transformation and the imparted power and ability to be one who conquerors. He was to be called Israel, an exceedingly significant name, for itís meaning is, he will rule as God. The secret of success with the Lord is for one to humble themselves, then He will exalt them. Ps. 37:34 He is seeking and has always manifest Himself in the life of the humble. 2 Pet. 5:6.

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