The Law

BUT WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST. 1 Cor. 2:16 The magnitude of some of the promises of the Lord exceed our ability to immediately comprehend them. A statement such as this is one which we carefully need to examine and receive into our lives. This is not a casual promise, neither is it a minor thing to possess the mind of Christ. His mind is the mind of creation. There is not one atom anywhere in the universe but what it was created by Him. Col. 1:16 He is the demonstration of the power and ability of God to bring forth something tangible and very real out of nothing. It does not matter which area of creation might be chosen, the macro, the whole vast universe or the micro, the smallest part of the atom. He is responsible of it being in the shape and form that it is and He causes it to fulfill its duty and purpose of creation. His glory and power maintain the status quo of everything pertaining to the universe. Col. 1:17 All forms of world leadership are in His control, both good and bad. He reigns supreme over all. Whether we like it our not, the powers that be are ordained of God. Rom. 13:1 That does not mean that we have to agree with all that they do. However, even when it seems that they are out of control, His will very definitely will be accomplished.

The mind of Christ is a mind of infinite wisdom. 1 Cor. 1:30 When we are in Christ and have truly become the branches of the vine then His wisdom is imparted to that person. Contained in the promise is the ability to speak as the Lord Himself would speak, particularly in the time of great need. Luke 21:15 The individual who possessed the mind of Christ would most definitely speak the Words of the Lord, words of power and victory. While all wisdom, both natural and spiritual is to be found in the mind of Christ. The natural wisdom of mankind, when compared with the wisdom of the Lord does not attain to a standard which would be consider the foolishness of God. 1 Cor. 3:19 He is the wisdom of God, personified.

The spiritual aspect of His wisdom would naturally come through the presence and operation of the Spirit in the life of those possessing His mind. Eph. 1:17 As a definite part of the manifestation of the wisdom of the Lord, in the church, and through the Spirit, is the fact that He, the Spirit, will bring with Him the revelation of Christ and of the Word of the Lord. In Christ Jesus, that is in His mind, are hidden an endless multiplicity of the treasure of wisdom and knowledge. Col. 2:2-3 There is no limit to the unfolding of Himself and the revelation of His eternal glory and Godhead. To even begin to comprehend all that He is, it is vital that we have the mind of Christ.

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