As with the natural, so with the spiritual. The experiences which take place in the resurrection of the natural body require first of all, that the physical body die. Then the power of the resurrection may be made manifest in a glorious resurrection, likened unto that of the Lord Jesus. If the fullness of the power of the Lord is to be demonstrated in the body of believers, there must of necessity be a death, not of the physical body but of the carnal man which dwells in the physical body. Paul compared the natural with the spiritual and wrote concerning the anticipated experience of every believer, stating that their life was hidden in the Lord. They had found that place of tranquility and security in the Lord because they had died to the beggarly elements of this world. Col. 3:3
There cannot be a resurrection until there has been a death. We cannot be risen with Christ (Col. 3:1) until we have suffered and died with Him. Paul was not using fancy words when he spoke of being crucified with Christ but spoke from a practical knowledge and experience. He had spiritually died to his old life. Made an absolute turn around and became one who championed the Christ and the Christian life, that he once hated so vehemently and tried to destroy. Gal. 2:20 His life was filled with great victories. He saw the power of the Lord manifest in great abundance in his ministry. His experiences in the Lord were glorious and wonderful even to the ultimate of being caught up to paradise where he saw and heard things which he did not have permission to relate. 2 Cor. 12:2-4 On the other hand, this manís life was extremely stormy. He suffered just about everything imaginable. He was persecuted verbally and physically. His list of terrible experiences and sufferings is a long one. His life was not one of ease but all that was minor compared to the glory of the Lord which was revealed in his life. 2 Cor. 11:23-33
The revelation and the manifestation of the glory of the Lord is on the far side of the cross. The individual, the church will never reach the completeness of the victory planned by the Lord until the cross is experienced. Not only in redemptive power but in personal crucifixion of the old carnal life. The old man, the old sinful life must be eliminated by being put to death. Rom. 6:4 In water baptism we enter into the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. It is now a case of walking in that newness of life which has been purchased for us by the Lord Jesus. Accept the fullness of the intention of water baptism and die to the life of sin and unrighteousness. The best of life is found in serving the Lord to the fullest of His anointing as it is displayed in the life of those who love Him.