a. He was to suffer.
b. He was to be killed.
c. He was to be raised.
3. Peter rebuked Jesus. Peter an offense to Jesus.
B. Jesus personalized the cross. v. 24-26
1. Any who would follow Jesus must take up his personal cross in order to follow Him.
a. Finding your life in loosing it.
b. Crucifixion brings an end to sin in our lives. 1 Pet. 4:1-2
C. What we face as Christians.
1. Enemies of the cross. Phil. 3:18-19
a. Preaching of such foolishness to the unbeliever. 1 Cor. 1:18
(1). To the believer it is the Power of God.
2. The cross is offensive. Gal. 4:11
a. A stone of stumbling. Rom. 9:33
b. Contrast the disobedient and the chosen. 1 Pet. 2:8-9
3. The preaching of the cross. 1 Cor. 1:17
a. Not with words of wisdom lest the cross be made ineffective.
b. Our faith does not stand in the wisdom of man. 1 Cor. 2:5
4. The effect and victory of the cross. Gal. 6:14
a. Glory or exalt in anyone or anything else.
b. Dead to the world. Rom. 6:6-12.:END:wk