The Church

July 03,2002

A WORD OF WARNING TO THE CHURCH. The sleight of hand or manipulation of unscrupulous men whose purpose is to deceive. Accomplished by negating established principles. Eph. 5:14 The warnings of the Word of God, if heeded, are ample to keep the church from being misled. False prophets, in Old Testament times were dealt with promptly and sternly. The sentence of death was pronounced on the presumptuous false prophet, or the one whose prophecy did not come to pass. Deut. 18:20 Jesus warned us that there would be many or a great number of false prophets who would have the ability to perpetrate deception upon many or again a great number of individuals. Mt. 24:11 How may we know or judge the difference between that which is true and that which is false? A comparison with the WORD of GOD is a sure way. Another test is the accuracy of that prophecy. Did it come to pass? If not, then that person who has prophesied is a false prophet and should no longer be received or heard as a prophet. Obviously, the Lord had not spoken to them. Eze.13:7-8 

THE WORDS OF THE LORD JESUS TO THE CHURCH. A coming to the forefront of <spurious Christs>. Definitely not one, but a number who will rise up and declare themselves to be the Christ. This prophetic word of the Lord Jesus is in existence today. There are already <pseudo Christs> in activity in our world. Along with these are also the false prophets of whom there are a great number. Their presence is often extremely charismatic. They will be persons of magnetic personality and strong persuasive ways and mannerism. Individuals who appeal, through their natural capabilities, to all segments of society. Perhaps more damaging than their personalities is their skill in producing mighty lying signs and wonders. Mt. 24:24 The ability for those involved in the powers of darkness and their abilities is demonstrated in the visit of Moses before Pharaoh. The rod of Moses became a serpent when cast down. The rods of the necromancers likewise became serpents by the powers of darkness. But, the rod of Moses consumed the fake serpents. Ex. 7:10-12 {What a beautiful type of Jesus, the rod. Becoming a serpent Jn. 3:14 (or sin) on the cross. Then being raised again to become eternally the rod, completely destroying sin, death and the grave}. The waters turned to blood were also duplicated, this did not help the Egyptian cause. It only made their misery greater. Ex. 7:17-21 The same is true of the plague of frogs wrought by Aaron, the magicians could not destroy them, only increase them to their own plight. Ex. 8:6-7 The scene is duplicated with the judgment of lice over the whole land. Ex. 8:16-18 False spirits and false powers can only add to the misery of those who fall under their influence. We do not follow signs, wonders or miracles. They are to follow the individual that has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For Jesus said; these signs shall follow them that believe. We do not follow demonstrations, but when we believe there will demonstrations of the power of the Lord. Mark 16:17

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