A PURCHASED CHURCH. The prized possession of the Lord. The love of His heart. The apple of His eye. That which it required Him His life and blood to acquire. So valuable, that there are special instructions to the leadership of the church. The Holy Ghost has appointed them to be Bishops, Overseers, or Shepherds of the flock. FEED, feed the sheep of the Lord. Acts 20:28 Jesus gave special and emphatic instructions to Simon Peter, to feed His sheep. John 21:15-17 The responsibility of a Shepherd must be because of the call of the Lord. It is not a position that is to be taken lightly. Not of necessity or constraint but because of a willingness of the heart to fulfill His will. Not because of finances, not because of greed or filthy lucre, but from a heart that wants to serve the Lord. Again the instructions are to FEED the flock of God. Feed them the WORD of the Living Lord. 1 Pet. 5:2 Likewise, they must recognize that they are dealing with and ministering to the heritage of the Lord. They are HIS sheep, not ours. The ministry has not been appointed to lord it over the sheep, but to set an example in spiritual things for the sheep to follow. 1 Pet. 5:2
THE GREATEST LOVE EVER. The love of Christ for His church cannot be surpassed nor will it ever be. His love is majestic. His love is absolute and perfect. He deals with us as individuals in salvation but the vision and goal, the ultimate of His work is the church. Which is composed of individuals who are glorified with the full glory of the Lord, perfectly unified into a body made like unto Himself. He loved the church, and gave Himself FOR IT. Eph. 5:25 The church is admonished to walk in the same love that Christ displayed. He willingly gave, sacrificed Himself for us. Calvary would never have happened had Christ not committed Himself to be the Savior of the world and in particular the church. Eph. 5:2 Things that are corruptible, perishable cannot be used to redeem. The gifts and sacrifices of the Law were all perishable items. Religious behavior and practices are in vain. Only the PRECIOUS BLOOD of Christ, shed in that great act of His love for us, can redeem. 1 Pet. 1:18-19 His blood was uncontaminated and incorruptible for it was the very blood of God Himself. Blood originates from the Father. He was without fault or sin. He loved even unto death and that an ignominious death of shame and reproach. The death of a criminal. In the whole of His life He was without sin or deceit. The sinless, the pure, the holy one was so filled with love that He was willing to bear the reproach of our sin. 1 Pet. 2:22 He looked beyond that moment and saw a people who would so appreciate His work of salvation that they would commit their lives fully and completely to Him. A nation who would not die in their sins, but would die unto sin in order for the life of Christ to be lived in them. Those who would live righteously in that new life that was purchased for them. 1 Pet. 2:24 What a beautiful switch, Jesus became what we are that we might become what He is. That is the most valuable exchange that could be made, or that has ever been made.
IT IS CALLED, THE HOUSE OF GOD. The church of the living God. Not a physical building but a spiritual house, family or assemblage. Its members are born, filled and led by the Spirit of God. This house is to be one house comprising many individuals but built together into one unit. It is the pillar, or strength and the foundation of truth. 1 Tim. 3:15 The church within the church. Not all who are in the church will be in the Bride. The contents of a great house, the house of the Lord is by all means the greatest house of all. However, the contents of that house are a mixed multitude. There are stones or participants who are of gold and silver. Therefore they are honorable vessels and fit for the masters use. There are also those who are accounted to being wood and earth and are considered to dishonorable or ignoble. 2 Tim. 2:20 The challenge is to be separated, be cleansed from the dishonorable. Become a vessel of honor, a sanctified, holy vessel which may be useful to the Master, prepared to fulfill His will in every fashion possible. There are two classes found in the house of the Lord. We, ourselves determine which class we are by our consecration. 2 Tim. 2:21 The same theme is found spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah when he said: What is the chaff to the wheat? Jer. 23:28 The problem was that there were prophets whom the people followed that were false prophets. Dreamers that told false dreams and so misled the people. The chaff is of importance to the wheat. It protects and contains the wheat. Not until harvest time is there a separation. Then it is drastic. The wheat and the chaff are beaten and separated one from the other. There is a winnowing process that is applied. The wind (spirit) blows the chaff from the wheat and is discarded, sometimes burned or used for some minor purpose. At any rate it is the wheat that is desired and of value. The wheat is the WORD and is to be declared faithfully. The Word does not fail or pass away. The great house will be cleansed from every impurity and brought to perfection.