August 16, 2002
I COME TO DO YOUR WILL, O MY GOD. So, it is written in the volume of the book concerning Jesus. He came to exhaustively execute the will of God, for that was His purpose in coming into the world. His deepest desire was to do the will of God, which He totally understood, from eternity. The Law of the Lord was abounding in His heart and He was to satisfy and conclude its entire demands. Ps. 40:7 Is it possible that we will ever understand the pathos of Calvary, where the man Jesus, was to positively submit and surrender Himself to the death of the cross. Whatever crisis we face in life that calls for a life or death decision, it cannot begin to compare to the emotions of the Son of man and His Father. Certainly, Jesus knew that He would be raised from the dead. But to become the cesspool of iniquity and wickedness. To have <every> vile act of all mankind heaped up upon Him. To become sin. For the one who is life, to taste death for all men. The agony of Him who is holiness, righteousness and purity, in His God like being, was so great that it is incomprehensible. The suffering of His spiritual being the torments and pains of the lost was far more intense than that of the physical. He experienced tremendous change, from one extreme to another, from the beauty of holiness to the very depths and ugliness of unrighteousness. All, in accomplishing the will of His Father. Not my will but thine be done. Luke 22:42
I SANCTIFY MYSELF. Jesus established an example for His disciples, then and now. The truth, the Word has the ability to sanctify, to purify and to cause one to be set apart from the world, unto the Lord. This requires our involvement in the study and comprehension of the Word. How else can we ever know His will? Not only was He sanctified, but His disciples were sanctified through the Word that He had spoken to them. Jn. 17:17,19 The Word spoken to His disciples had a cleansing effect on them. Jn. 15:3 The youth need to give attention to the Word for it will affect them in a way that entertainment never will, nor can. The Word is mighty and powerful to bring about the changes that are so necessary if we are to follow the Lord. Ps, 119:9 There is nothing that will eradicate and maintain Christian values in our hearts like the Word of the Lord. Its value is priceless. It is our resistance to and our victory over the powers of darkness. Ps. 119:11 An understanding of the Word and knowing the will of the Lord cannot be separated. The Word illuminates, it gives us comprehension, it shows us the paths of the Lord, the way in which we must walk. What an attitude. May it be so in our hearts. < I hate every false way >. Only the Word of the Lord can lead one to such a strong and positive decision. Ps. 119:104 To love righteousness and hate iniquity may seem to some to be fanatical but it is the Bible standard that will produce the true anointing of the Spirit. May we buy the truth and never release it from our grasp. Heb. 1:9