MADE TO BE LIKE JESUS. A very necessary part of spiritual growth. We are to bear His nature and being, in all things. Living the Christian life is not a series of improvements, such as is practiced by so many. It is being made < conformable > to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. It is in true identification and full association with His death that we triumph over our fleshly, carnal nature. Phil. 3:10 To merely suppress the < old nature > is insufficient, for at the slightest provocation, that nature will exercise itself again and again. Joining with Christ by experiencing His cross and death by the cross is the only way to rid oneself of the sinful nature. Mind you, we are not considering physical harm of any sort. If there is a submission to the will of the Lord, He will lead us into areas of conformation where we are made to be like Him. 

SOME SPIRITUAL EXERCISES LEADING TO CONFORMATION. A proper attitude and comprehension of WATER BAPTISM is certainly one great step. The candidate is to be baptized < into His death >. Not just an outward sign but a spiritual experience and performance. Rom. 6:3 We are buried < with Him >, in death. So that resurrection life that is in Christ might become our walk and way of life. The new man prevailing. v. 4 Conformed, planted together, to bear the likeness of His resurrection, now. v.5 We are not to live under the domination of sin. Therefore, when we are crucified together with Christ, the sinful nature will die and the spiritual man will dominate our lives. v.6 The dead individual can no longer sin. Sin cannot dominate him. Die with Christ, in the waters of baptism. v. 7-9 In this manner, consider yourself dead to sin but < alive > to Christ. v. 11 Another step is in PUTTING OFF THE OLD MAN, which is corrupt. This is most easily accomplished by doing those things that may be termed, spiritual exercises, being renewed in the spirit of our mind. The study of our Bible, not just reading it, which is needful and good, but to STUDY it. There must be sincere prayer. A change in our companionship must be brought to bear. Eph. 4:22-23 MORTIFY, put to death the works of the flesh as listed in Col. 3:5-9 By PUTTING ON THE NEW MAN. Give that new nature room to grow and expand. Feed and nurture him spiritually. Seek those things which are above. Be spiritually minded. That NEW MAN is increased in knowledge and understanding through the WORD of GOD. Col. 3:10 The Lord has a program whereby He is bringing a people into existence who will bear His image and His likeness. They will live and act like Him. They will think like He does. They will possess and be possessed by His style of life and have His mind in all things. In order to reach the high and holy calling in Christ Jesus there must be some terrific changes brought about in the church and in each an every individual who is a part of the church. Christ will not marry a bride that is inferior to Himself. The bride must attain to the fullness of the stature of the measure of the man Christ Jesus. Eph. 4:13 This high standard is available to all who will conform to the will of the Lord.***

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