November 20, 2002 (58)

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM. These words are indicative of a people who are intent on seeking and comprehending Christ in the deepest manner. He may be known as a casual friend or as the true lover of our being. The measure to which we know Him is dependent on our individual, and personal devotion to Christ. Phil. 3:10 The sign of commitment is determined by our obedience to His Word. His will and purpose for the Christian is already recorded in the book. It is ours to follow His commandments and in that fashion demonstrate our true love for Him. 1 Jn. 2:3 The example of the only way of fully knowing Christ has already been established for us by the Apostle Paul. He was willing to count < all things > as being unworthy and unprofitable. In order to acquire the < excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus >. < The priceless privilege, the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth and the supreme advantage of knowing Christ > Amp. This knowledge is invaluable, for it leads to the evidence of the life of Christ in His church, now and for eternity. Phil. 3:8 

THAT I MAY KNOW THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION. A demonstration of power that is needed now. It is not the desire of the Lord that the Christian life be one of advances and failures, There is a life that is consistent with His will. It is the life of the living dead. Not some gruesome ghoulish group of individuals, but those who have sincerely consigned their life here on this earth to Christ. They are dead, for their life is hidden, with Christ in God. Their dedication to Christ is absolute, full and complete. They are in the secret place of the Most High, abiding under the shadow of His wings. Watched over, protected and cared for by the Almighty. Col. 3:3 This depth of consecration is witnessed to by the desire of their hearts, by those things sought after. When the Lord Jesus becomes the center and the only object of the hearts desire of His church, these are they who will come to come to a full knowledge of Christ. Their minds and beings are < set > on things that are spiritual and not the natural. They seek after the Lord. Col. 3:1-2 

MUST THERE BE A FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM IN HIS SUFFERINGS? As much as we may not like the thought, there is a place and a time when each and every child of God will associate with Jesus in the emotions of His rejection, agony and emotional pain. How can one know Him without experiencing and understanding the depths of His suffering? Phil. 3:10 That this was part of the experience which the early church encountered is obvious. Paul speaks of; the sufferings of Christ overflowing into their lives, so, to an equal measure the consolation and comfort that is in Christ Jesus was manifest in their lives. The portion of the recompense would be equal, but the comfort and consolation is of far greater benefit and value than the sufferings. 2 Cor. 1:5 The blessings and mercies of the Lord are of such great portion that they overwhelm the hurt of the sufferings.

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