November 19, 2002 (57)
IF HIS SPIRIT. The same, the identical Spirit that was in Christ, is the Holy Spirit who has now made His habitation in every Spirit filled member of the body of Christ. That Spirit, is the like Spirit of resurrection whereby Christ was raised from the dead. Rom. 8:11 The baptism of the Spirit is a baptism of < POWER >. A supernatural force and demonstration of the might and power of the Almighty. The Greek meaning of the word < power > is dynamite, which is demonstrated both, when being filled and after having been filled. The baptism of the Spirit is very practical. He endues for service. Acts 1:8 It is a power that is incomparable. Destroying, yet building and doing good. A display of great strength and intense energy, yet it will create the most pleasant sensations in spirit, soul and body. It is the < exceeding greatness > of His power imparted to us. Who can measure it? It is beyond comprehension. It is the same power that created the universe, and in that case the Lord just spoke it into existence, by the power of His mouth and WORD. Eph. 1:19
THAT SAME SPIRIT SHALL QUICKEN YOU. The Spirit of resurrection. The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. THAT SPIRIT, shall also <QUICKEN> your physical body. The consequence of the Spirit dwelling in us has s profound evidence in the < mortal man >, body, soul and spirit. There is a life giving force, the life of very God Himself that accompanies the presence of His Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit is the vital entity of life, both natural and more essentially spiritual. Rom. 8:11 It is in, and because of the LORD that all life has life. Outside of Him there is no existence. Everything that lives is totally dependent on Him. Acts 17:28
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THAT QUICKENING DEPENDS ON THE CROSS. The statements of Paul show how closely his life was associated with the cross. The cross is the secret of a < quickened > life. What relationship do we have with the cross? A life of constant affiliation with the cross or the death of Christ will produce the revelation of the Christ life in us, now, in our mortal flesh. The cross of wood on which He was crucified is totally ineffective. A cross on our lapel or hung about the neck is many times used as a charm and certainly does not bring protection. It is the Christ of the cross who is our salvation. The revelation of the life of Christ in us comes after we have died to the self life. 2 Cor. 4:10-11 Here is the challenge that will produce the manifestation of HIS LIFE in us, which is absolutely necessary for the Church, His Bride in the end of the age. Crucified with Christ in order to produce that life that gives evidence of itself in the total man. There is absolutely no loss of anything of value when we are crucified with Christ. What is no longer in evidence are the works of the flesh, which we despise anyhow. The gain is so much greater, there is absolutely no comparison between the lost and the found. True, complete life is in fully serving the Lord Jesus. In total commitment to Him. Gal. 2:20