November 14, 2002 (54)
THE MANIFESTATION OF TRUE LOVE. Everyone who is loved of the Lord will receive the same treatment from the Lord. Rebuke and chastening are strong evidences of His love for us. Rev. 3:19 Every Christian should rejoice when undergoing correction for we know then that it is an act of His love. Rebuke, conviction of wrong doing is the blessing of the Lord. There is not one who comes to Him who will not receive correction from Him. Every child of God is well disciplined that they might show forth the life of Christ. Contrariwise, to be without divine correction is to be placed in the position of an illegitimate child. One not acknowledged as a son by the Lord. Heb. 12:5-8 Chastisement now, is a golden opportunity to escape the condemnation of the world which will come in the end of the age. 1 Cor.11:2 For correction to be effective there must be sincere repentance and Godly sorrow.
BEHOLD! See me standing at the door, hear my knocking, listen to my voice. What a strong desire on His part for entrance and participation in the lives of His church. What a pity, must He be on the outside seeking to gain access or will His church open to Him and embrace all that he wishes to accomplish in her? There is so much to know about Him that can only be learned in intimate fellowship with Him. A relaxing time around the table of the Lord will result in the revelation of Christ being made known. Rev. 3:20
THOSE WHO TRIUMPH. The victorious, those who overcome the world the flesh and the devil are a privileged people. They are afforded the right to sit with Him on His throne. What a massive throne He has, to include what would unquestionable be His Queen, and then all others who may be counted worthy to be in such close proximity. It is a throne that is called the throne of the Father, but it is likewise called His (Jesus) throne. A throne which is shared and shared alike in the glorious unity that exists in the kingdom of Heaven. Rev. 3:21 The place and the relationship of the Lord Jesus in things heavenly is dramatically shown. For in the very midst, the center, the heart of the throne is the Lamb as it were, slain. So precious, so valuable is the blood of redemption that it will always be on display in that eternal kingdom. Men, in this world may reject the blood of salvation but it is the good pleasure of the Lord to make the blood of Jesus to be the very focal point of His eternal kingdom. Rev. 5:6 God, in the greatness of His love, commissioned His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be the eternal sacrifice for all who would believe on Him and repent of their sins. Jesus is our propitiation, our mercy seat, the only redemption. This is the revelation of His great love for humanity. 1 Jn. 4:10 The show piece of heaven is the blessed sign of redemption, the slain Lamb of God. The Love of God, the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus flow from that eternal blood sprinkled throne which will be occupied by people who have been redeemed.