October 29, 2002 (42)
THE GIFT OF THE MORNING STAR. When the Lord slew Balaam, that is, caused him to fall into a trance true words of pure prophecy proceeded from his mouth. The subject being the star, or great shining light, that would come out of Jacob. { Interesting, that of the patriarchs, Abraham (Father), Isaac (the Son), it is Jacob who is a type of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who illuminates our hearts, revealing Christ to us}. Balaam would see Him, but not in his sojourn here on earth. He would face Him at the great judgment bar of Christ, as will all who have been born into this world. Num. 24:17
AMAZINGLY, HIS STAR LED WISE MEN TO WORSHIP HIM. The simplicity of the scriptures settles the question of the star which the wise men followed. Note, they recognized Him as the King of the Jews. They had come to worship Him. These men were not magicians, they were wise men from the East or the rising of the sun. Mt. 2:1 Because Daniel was elevated to the office of < master of the magicians > does not mean that he was one of them, Because of the presence of the Lord in his life he was greater than them all, put together. Daniel consistently maintained his faith in the Lord. He could give understanding and wisdom where the others failed. Dan. 5:11 The star which led them was < HIS STAR >, it was not one of the stars of the heavens, nor was it a conjunction of several stars or planets. It was that < STAR > that arose out of Jacob. That STAR was different from all others. It had the character of a guide. It led them to the place where the Christ child was domiciled. They did not go to the stable. That STAR, STOOD over the place, it was positioned to indicate the house where He was. Mt. 2:9 These men were traveling in the will of the Lord and in revelation. Who else could see the star? Herod nor his wisemen had not seen it. He had to inquire of them as to the time of its appearance. Mt. 2:7 This STAR, was HIS STAR and it was supernatural and spiritual.
THIS IS THAT LIGHT THAT SHINES IN A DARK PLACE. The light is the glory of the Lord. This is that sure word of prophecy. We are now living in the light that shines in the darkness of sin and iniquity, but we anticipate the DAWNING of a new day. A day when the day star will complete fill our hearts and lives with the glory of Himself. 2 Pet. 1:19 There is a day, appointed by the Lord, when the fullness of the glorious light of that STAR will completely fill the life, and being of every member of the Bride. The splendor and exceeding great glory of the Lord upon her is noted in Rev. 12:1. Every heavenly light bearing body is depicted as a part of her bearing and glorious status, words, as wonderful as they are do not begin to declare the glory that will be manifest in her. She is one, in every aspect with that glorious ONE who is the offspring of David and the bright and morning star. Rev. 22:16