October 04, 2002 (27)
EVERY JOINT CONTRIBUTING. Every part and portion of the body supplying and supporting with its help and strength. No drones to be found here. The whole of the creation working together as one. Never, with even a hint of friction or disharmony. Perfect, absolute accord in every function of the whole church. Not even one member out of step, or in discord. Each joint performing with the faultless competence which is made possible by the Holy Spirit. The very finest watch made by man cannot synchronize and match the perfect rhythm and movement of this many member body of Christ. It is to be the essence of coordination. Eph. 4:16
EFFECTUALLY WORKING. Always when the Spirit of the Lord is involved there will be mighty works brought forth to the praise and glory of the name of the Lord. The force, the power, to produce the efficient and glorious activity of the body is supplied by the Spirit of the Lord. That which men have sought for and failed to achieve will be seen in the perfect activity and movements of the body of Christ. The very essence of efficiency, the perfect use of the energy of the Holy Spirit. They are motivated by the endless supply of might and the supernatural power of the Lord. Eph. 4:16 Instructions and directions are supplied by the Word of the Lord. The Word also is an element which produces the ability to work the works of the Lord. 1 Thes. 2:13
ASSURING A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF HIS EFFICIENCY. Because < God is love >, the very essential quality of His being and nature is love. True love, the exact personification of love is found in Him. He is what love is. Love cannot exist aside from God. Remove God from off the scene and love is no longer. The love of God for sinful humanity is incomprehensible to the natural mind. Why the process of redemption, requiring the death of His only begotten Son, when He could have completely destroyed that which was marred, and started again with a sinless creation? Created angels can never love Him in the same manner as those who have accepted and follow the work of redemption established for them. The redeemed have the ability to love Him, reacting and responding to His love in a fashion which deeply thrills and moves His heart. When we dwell in His love, He dwells in us. The emotions that we find in ourselves are also found in the Lord. His feelings are sanctified and holy, even His anger and wrath is righteous, how much more that great love that He has for mankind. Dare to be emotional in your expressions of love and gratitude toward Him. Let praise and worship flow from a heart that is overflowing with love for Him. It will produce a fellowship that is rich and rewarding, saturated with the glory of His personal presence, in the person of the Holy Spirit. Love is the greatest. It is the surest and quickest way into His glorious presence. He is waiting, looking and longing for our expressions of love toward Him. 1 John 4:16-17 Love is the rich soil of spiritual growth. It is the bedrock of the gracious anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is indispensable. Love edifies the whole body.