October  02, 2002 (25)

A RACELESS SOCIETY. As long as the <old man>, the natural, the carnal man exists, there will be racism. No legislation, no power or authority of man is able to change the attitude of mankind. The change comes when the old is exchanged for the <new man>, and the new man is then entered into the process of renewal. Thorough the revelation and the comprehension of the Word the new man is being transformed into the likeness and spiritual configuration of the Lord Jesus Christ. Col. 3:10 The process of renewal involves a release from the desire to pattern oneself after the ways of the world, that is the natural, carnal life. That being replaced with a strong desire to be transformed into the likeness and image of Christ. He becomes the champion and glowing example of our lives. We want to be like Him. The whole thought pattern is altered. We now think on the things of the Spirit. Our desires must be centered on seeking the things that benefit the new man, the spiritual man. Rom. 12:2 The spirit and attitude of the natural mind and the spiritual mind are as different as night from day. Eph. 4:23 It is only by the new mind that is in Christ Jesus that viewpoints will be changed. None of that which is an issue to man can exist in the true body of Christ. Col. 3:11

THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH. The head, source of leadership and guidance. Containing the brain, the ability to think and reason. The fountainhead of motivation for the entire body. Containing the capability of speaking, seeing, hearing, tasting, as well as the sense of smell. Every member of the body is important but the head is of prime significance. It represents the Christ of God, who is the savior of the body. The church cannot exist apart from Him. Therefore, she is urged to be in submission to Him and to His will. Eph. 5:23-24 The Spiritual life is one of constant growth. The church is to < grow up > into Christ, in all things. No longer being infants, naive and helpless. Quick to place every deception that is instigated by unscrupulous individuals in the mouth to taste it, sometimes to gag at the bitter taste. At other times to be poisoned by their < winds of doctrine > and the cunning craftiness that is used. Deception, is a practice that is exercised constantly and consistently by some whose only purpose is to gain a name and notoriety. Most frequently it concerns finances and the enrichment of the deceiver. Eph. 4:14-15 A sure sign of maturity is to learn to try the spirits to which we are continually being exposed. In particular, those who are in positions of responsibility, as under shepherds, must be able to guard the sheep from these wolves that tear apart the flock and then depart to repeat the same deception on the next flock. The warning of John was that there are < many false prophets > roaming throughout the world. 1 Jn. 4:1 If this were true in his day, how much more is it so in our day. Knowing that the great deception perpetrated by the antichrist is soon to burst upon this world, what care we should take to arm and prepare the church for those events that are soon to be manifest. The Word and the Spirit will reveal that which is not of God. Study the Word, be filled with the Spirit.

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