September  25, 2002 (20)

THE TRUE VINE OR THE VINE OF TRUTH. I AM, the true vine. Another statement of His being, eternal and everlasting. The self-existent one. Having received Him and being joined to Him we can be assured that we will live and walk in truth, as we abide in Him. A living, vital entity that is noted as being one vine. Growing together with its message spreading throughout the earth. John 1:15 The vine of truth, rooted and planted in the Lord Jesus, who is both grace and truth. The grace of God produces a revelation of that which is truth. Truth is vital to salvation, growth and ultimate maturity in Christ. John 1:17 The branches, the leaves, the fruit, the whole plant is supplied by the sustenance that proceeds from the roots, and is the product of the photosynthesis of the leaves. It is a cycle of life to which every part is vital to the other. Its harvest is the true wine that represents the precious blood of Christ. This is real life giving drink. The child of God is not only completely dependent on the vine, but also, on the finished crop of the vine, as it becomes the drink of communion. The real true drink. The drink of life. It assures the body of a continuos source of life, the consistent abiding presence of He who is LIFE personified. John 6:55-56 

TRUE BREAD FROM HEAVEN. True, verifying its substance to be that which is given by the Father, the bread of God Himself. The source, descended from heaven, the throne presence of the living God. Not the same as that which was supplied to Moses and given to the people of that day. In Jesus is made known the real, the factual bread of heaven. He is the bread of God. This is the source of all life, anything and everything that lives has life because of the Son of God. He is the bread of life. As much as revelation has come to the church pertaining to the communion, the bread and the wine, the church has not yet reached the completeness of its purpose for the church. John 6:32-33 I AM, the bread of life. Once again asserting His eternal, ever living being and existence. He <IS> THE VINE, He <IS> THE BREAD of life, there is none other nor could there ever be. 

AS WITH THE NATURAL, SO WITH THE SPIRITUAL. EVERY branch will have the same experience. The nonproductive will be cut off and will be completely isolated from the growing vine of life. The productive will not escape the knife of the husbandman for they will be pruned, and that which is superfluous cut from them, that a greater crop might be gained. John 5:2 Pruning is a continuos process, the vine is pruned year after year. What we may call a great trial, Paul; calls a < light affliction > 2 Cor. 4:17 Not all that is negative in our lives originates with the devil. We accuse him for every adversity we face. We must begin to recognize the hand and the knife of the husbandman as He prunes His vine. The sooner the unnecessary portion of the branch is removed the sooner the affliction and correction will cease. It is far better we use our knowledge of the Word and rid ourselves of that which is detrimental to good spiritual growth.

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