September 12, 2002 (11)
NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD. So vital is the living of a holy life that no man may see the Lord except the holiness of Christ has been demonstrated in them. It is the door to life eternal. It is our assurance that there is an eternal home prepared for those who love Jesus. That holiness is not of ourselves but it is Christ in us living His life of holiness. Heb. 12:14 The new birth, the new, life in Christ is not a simple revamping of that which was lived and then a continuation of the old pattern of life. The call of the Spirit is to come out, to live apart from that old life in the flesh. A refusal to be associated with the old life will develop a relationship where the Lord becomes a Father figure to us, and we know that we have been accepted of Him. As sons and daughters the nature and virtue of the Father will become our new life in Christ Jesus. 2 Cor. 6:17-18 Rest assured, we are not cut off from the Lord, providing we come to Him, HIS way. Those who are in possession of a pure heart will most certainly see the Lord. Mt. 5:8 Receiving instructions from the Word and coming to the knowledge of His will it is time for action on our parts. Therefore we are exhalted to < cleanse ourselves > an action that must be implemented on our part. He will cleanse but we must come to a place where we repent and request for His cleansing. The instructions are not to be cleansed from a part of the impurities but from < ALL filthiness of the flesh and spirit >. Both perfection and holiness are the direct result of a strong desire birthed in the church to bear His likeness. 2 Cor. 7:1
CORRECTION FOR SONS. Chastisement, a good sign. It indicates that one is accounted to be a son of God. Without chastisement, there can be no true sonship. Correction is a sign of His love for us. Correction is vital and necessary, for we learn not only by example but by discipline as well. Heb. 2:8Christians are prone to accuse the devil for every negative experience and opposition that they encounter. STOP, a seed sown will reap a harvest. Disobedience has its consequences. Punishment is inevitable. Our earthly parents corrected us for our own benefit and well-being. So, our heavenly Father will correct us for our own blessing and edification. The results are greatly beneficial for it will bring forth the character of Christ in our lives. Note, it is that we might share in His holiness. No one will participate in His holiness without having been corrected. Unfortunately for some of us, many, many times. Discipline is not a pleasant thing, it is not meant to be. But, the fruit of it is a harvest, not a seed, not a root but a great and good harvest of righteousness and holiness before the Lord. This will assure < conformity to the will of the Lord, in purpose, thought and action. AMP >. Heb. 12:10-11 The Lord is determined that He will have a church that bears His likeness in every aspect. The perfect representative of the work of His redemption. The evidence of His power and glory. His ability to create a thing of beauty from an ugly wretched carnal life. Glory to the Lord.