THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF THE SURE MERCIES OF DAVID. The meaning of the name David is, to love, a lover, a love token or a friend. Our David certainly is all of these. The promise is: the sure, faithful and trustworthy mercies, that which is holy or merciful. Only Jesus is able to communicate such extraordinary mercy and love. He is the very essence of love and mercy. Acts 13:34
I HAVE MADE A COVENANT. With my chosen one, my select or elect.Ps. 89:3 The servant of the covenant, the elect of God. The joy and delight of the Father who sustains and upholds him. He is anointed with the Spirit to bring justice to the gentiles. Isa. 42:1His posterity to stand firm and be established as the eternal seed. The throne of the Christ is the eternal, the spiritual component of the throne of David. It is for all time and eternity. As everlasting as everlasting itself. Ps. 89:4
THE HAPPY, BLESSED PEOPLE. The recipients of the sure mercies of David. Their ears are tuned in to the joyful sound. How great are the mercies of the Lord when he does not see iniquity or perverseness. That can mean only one thing. they have touched the perfection of the Lord.They will hear and respond to the shout of the king that is among them.Num. 23:21 They are a people who walk in the light of His presence. A fellowship, a companionship emphasizing the glorious presence of the Lord with His people. Ps. 89:15They know and deeply honor the name of the Lord. They rejoice in the righteousness of the Lord. They are exalted in His righteousness. Ps. 89:16 Surely we are looking at conditions that will prevail during the Millennium. The kingdom age is a time of the fullness of the glory of the Lord.