THE APPEARING OR THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. His appearing and His Second Coming are one and the same event. This will take place at the close of the tribulation period. At the conclusion of the reign of the antichrist. The brightness, the shining forth of the fiery return of Christ will consume the antichrist. Jesus will not, nor can He return, according to His WORD, until the antichrist has had his reign. At His appearing and His kingdom, he will judge the living and the dead. His appearing and His kingdom are synonymous. He will introduce and move on into the millennial reign at this time. This event is at the conclusion of the great tribulation. 2 Tim. 4:1 There is great anticipation in the Christian community for that day. We long for and love the day of His appearing. It is the day when all Christians will receive a crown of righteousness from the Lord Jesus. 2 Tim. 4:8 His appearing is the blessed hope that we are waiting for and looking forward to. Titus 2:13
THE BRIGHTNESS (EPIPHANEIA) OF HIS COMING (PAROUSIA). This is the Second Coming of Christ. This is what is called the RAPTURE. In review, please note, that the antichrist is destroyed when Jesus returns again. 2 Thes. 2:8 THE MANNER OF HIS COMING. He is coming (parousia) from the East, in glory, shining like lightening. Not very secretly. Mt. 24:27 His coming (parousia) will be the day of the earths catastrophe For the heavens will be on fire and the elements of the earth shall melt with the terrific heat. That sort of sounds like utter destruction. 1 Pet. 3:12 Likewise when He comes to be glorified in His saints, 2 Thes. 1:10 He will come in flaming fire taking vengeance on all unbelievers. 2 Thes. 1:8 There is no opportunity for any ungodly to live through all the things that take place at His coming and find their way into the millennium.
A TIME ELEMENT RELATING TO THE SEVENTH TRUMPET. The seventh trumpet, the last of the series will embrace a short period of time. The statement of the scriptures is; in the DAYS (plural) of the voice of the seventh angel. When he shall BEGIN (seems to embrace a time element), to sound. The reason for this is that there are seven vials that must be poured out on this earth as final judgments. Each will involve a period of time. They are called, vials of the wrath of God. These must be executed before the Second Coming of Christ. Rev. 16:1