THEY LIVE AND REIGN WITH CHRIST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. They are raised at the time of the first resurrection. THIS IS THE FIRST RESURRECTION. Rev. 20:5b These are tribulation saints who die during the reign of the antichrist. They are resurrected at the close of that period of time. That makes it a requirement for the second coming of Christ to be after the reign of the antichrist. All the dead in Christ are raised at His Second Coming or the Rapture. 1 Thes. 4:16d Then we who remain and are alive shall be caught up or translated together with them. 1 Thes.4:17a This will include the two witnesses as well who lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three and one half days until the Spirit of life, from God will enter into them. They will then join the rest of the resurrected in the glory cloud. The two witnesses are the last segment of the resurrected righteous that will be raised. Rev. 11:11-12 Seeing that the tribulation saints that are killed and the two witnesses are all party to the FIRST RESURRECTION the Second Coming of Christ can only happen at the close of the tribulation.
A REVELATION THAT MUST PRECEDE THE COMING OF CHRIST. As there will be a revelation of Christ. There will also be a revelation of the antichrist. The antichrist will manifest powers and lying sign and wonders which will convince many that he is the Christ. Unfortunately for those who follow him, he is that WICKED, lawless or transgressor. He is not subject to any rules or regulations. He is the epitome of an anarchist. In order for the Scriptures to be fulfilled, the antichrist must first come on the scene and complete his reign. The subject of the Coming (parousia, advent or commonly called rapture) is presented by Paul in 2 Thes. 2:1a He then will substantiate the fact that he is writing about that glorious moment that we all look forward to with great anticipation, the resurrection of the righteous. For he stated that this is the time of our gathering together unto Christ. The Coming of Christ and our assembling unto Him is one and the same event. The word gathering, means, a complete collection. This, gathering together, cannot be accomplished, until, all who are to be in that ingathering have completed their sojourn and ministry here in this life. The Lord has established an order and will not deviate from His plan. First things first.
WHAT DOES COME FIRST? There is no confusion when we use the arrangement or the order of the scriptures. End time events are spelled out in an exact manner if we have ears to hear and eyes to see. The Second Coming of Christ SHALL NOT TAKE PLACE until all the events set to precede and announce His Coming are in place. Paul used strong words in warning when he said; let no man deceive you, in any fashion or means. Is it possible that some teaching concerning the Second Coming is deceptive? If so, it becomes a serious matter, a matter of life or death. In this end of the age, if one is deceived it means they would follow the deceiver, the antichrist. 2 Thes. 2:3