JESUS FORETOLD THIS EVENT. He said that all things that are offensive and sinful to Him would be gathered OUT OF His kingdom. There is no place for any workers of iniquity in the MILLENNIUM. Instead of being able to sneak into the kingdom of the Lord, they are cast into a furnace of fire. Mt. 13:41-42 A list of those who are preparing themselves for this horrific event are listed in Rev. 21:8 While there are some gross iniquities stated in this list, which would cause some to say; that is not me. Found here also are the fearful, the unbelieving and all liars. Could the rest of humanity be found among these three? This is the second death and it will take place before the MILLENNIUM. There is one who gives witness to the actual torments (note, plural) of hell. Seeing that the poor man Lazarus is named this is not a parable and if it were a parable, a parable is an illustration of a TRUTH. The rich man was in anguished and suffering in the flame. Luke 16:23-24 

WHEN JESUS RETURNS AS A THIEF. It is most essential that one be clothed with the robe of righteousness to avoid embarrassment. It is obvious that some may be unprepared for that day. Otherwise there would be no need of a warning such as this. This is called the battle of Armageddon. Rev. 16:15-16 The complete forecast of that day is given to us in Revelation nineteen. The army of the Lord and the army of the antichrist and the false prophet face off. These two leaders of the ungodly during the tribulation period are quickly captured and cast alive into the lake of fire.The statement that concerns us most in this prophecy is found in verse 21. The remnant or the foolish deceived troops of the enemies army are to be slain by the sword of the Lord. The sword is the WORD of the Lord. The people who have weathered the tribulation period and the various displays of the wrath of God are by this time a grossly unrepentant lot. They do not turn from all their works of unrighteousness and ungodliness. They are people who are completely given over to every kind of satanic power and worship. They have gone beyond any possibility of change. They are the very climax of sinners and sin. What they are is recorded in Rev. 9:20-21 

WHO IS MORE WORTHY? They have to be special. They have faced the ultimate onslaught of the powers of darkness and did not surrender.Saints who were beheaded under the reign of the antichrist. Once again this is evidence that there will be Christians in the tribulation period. They did not measure up to the WISE VIRGIN class. They are killed because of their testimony and because of their adherence and propagation of the Word. They refused to worship the beast nor would they bow to his image. They refused to have the mark of the beast placed upon them. Rev. 20:4

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