THE PUNISHMENT OF THE HIGH ONES. Exactly who are these <high ones>? Isa. 24:21 Their leader is called, the accuser of the brethren. His position is before the throne of God. His accusations continue 24/7, day and night. He is relentless in doing his dirty work. Let us not help him, nor make his work easier, by making accusing statements or criticizing the brethren. Because of his heavy schedule it is questionable that he has time to manifest himself in a personal encounter with individuals, in spite of claims made by some. The scriptures do acknowledge some unique confrontations such as in the case Job and Jesus. What we would face would be his workers, impish, unclean spirits. It is extremely difficult to conceive the emotions of the King of Righteousness as this master of all that is unclean, filthy and sinful stands constantly before the Throne of righteousness. Rev. 12:10c
THE ENTRANCE OF THE MAN CHILD INTO HEAVEN. This is a very special event. This child born in true and absolute holiness is caught away and carried into heaven, immediately after his birth. Rev. 12:5 Once again, it is an impossibility that this woman could be Mary and the child Jesus. The events recorded in the twelfth chapter of Revelation do not synchronize with their experiences to any degree whatsoever. The admission of this child into the presence of the Lord will trigger an immediate war in the heavenly. Rev. 12:7 Enemies from eternity. The combatants are Michael, the Lord Jesus and the great dragon, the ancient serpent, named the devil and Satan. The unholy, ungodly forces are expelled from heaven. Satan and his angels were cast out, hurled down to the earth. v.9 Thank the Lord, heaven will be cleansed of all the personnel of corruption.
A LOUD PROCLAMATION IN HEAVEN, NOW. The work of salvation is completed. The perfect child, the product of Christ and His Bride. The eternally sinless being. That which will meet the desire of the Lord for a very special people. The beginning of a Godlike race that will inhabit eternity with the Lord. This is the true kingdom of God. It is glorious, it is pure and absolutely uncontaminated nor will it ever be again. This is the manifestation of the power of Christ. He has triumphed over hell, death and the grave. Jesus stated; that all power, whether in heaven or in earth had been given to Him. He is the mighty, powerful, all conquering Savior. Mt. 28:10 Victory is achieved by the precious blood of the Lamb of God.There is no force known to men that is more powerful. Only the blood of Christ can cleanse from sin and assure one a place in the eternal kingdom of our God. Rev. 12:11 Our testimony of the saving grace and the workings of the Spirit in our lives is likewise of great value in the sight of the Lord. We are to proclaim His salvation to the whole world, to every tongue and to all people. How quickly we see that being fulfilled today.