John the Baptist recognized Jesus as being one who was more powerful and mighty than himself. Mt.3:11 All the power and authority of the universe is in His hands. There is no question as to His greatness and power. Mt. 28:18 He is the one to whom every creature, whether in heaven, on earth or in hell will have to bow their knees, and every tongue will be made to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This will be to the glory of God, the Father. Phil. 2:10-11 

He shall be eminent in the sight of His Father and in the sight of all mankind, eternally. He is the Son of the Most High. Lk. 1:32 As the Son of the Most High He is that < HOLY > thing. Holiness birthed in a human being. A presentation of all that is HOLY in the person of the Lord Jesus. Lk. 1:35 He is, the only begotten of His Father. Elisabeth is to give witness that Mary is to become the Mother of Her Lord (Kurios, Lord, equal to Jehovah). Lk. 1:43

Zacharias when prophesying of the ministry of his son, John the Baptist, stated that he was to be a forerunner of the Lord. Preparing the way for the coming ministry of Christ. Here again he was acknowledged as the Lord. Lk. 1:76 The angel confessed Him to be, Christ the Lord. There was a consistent growth in the volume of those who proclaimed Jesus to be Lord. Lk. 2:11

Simeon was to state that his eyes had now seen the salvation of God when he held the Christ child in the temple. Lk. 2:30 

Anna, a prophetess who spent her time in the temple on seeing Jesus spoke of Him as the redeemer of Israel. Lk. 2:38 

With so many witnesses and the giving of vocal testimony as to His person, there was no excuse for Christ not being accepted as the Messiah. The Lord is always faithful in proclaiming His person and His willingness to save those who will believe. There were spiritual manifestations that gave evidence to Jesus being the Son of God.

The blind man, having not known who had healed him, when enlightened immediately believed and worshipped the Lord Jesus. Jn. 9:38 

Lazarus was raised from the dead that the Son of God might be glorified. Jn. 11:4 

Every miracle He performed was to attest to the fact of Jesus being the Son of God. There was perfect and absolute harmony in the miracle working power of the Son of God. The Son always followed the revealed will of the Father. Doing that which pleased the Father. Jn. 5:1 

The disciples testified of His Sonship after Jesus rescued Peter and the waters were calm again. Mt. 14:33 

Peter, in the midst of much controversy as to who He was made a perfect confession by stating that He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Mt. 16:15 

At the time of His crucifixion those who stood there were constrained to admit, in the midst of all that took place at that time, that this truly was the Son of God.

The centurion and others are recorded as having made such a statement. Mt. 27:54Even devils were forced to declare Jesus to be the Christ the Son of God. They knew that He was the Christ. Lk. 4:41 He silenced them not allowing them to speak. Their spirit and quality of confession was vile and unclean and He would none of it. The affirmation of His Father is more than adequate in establishing His Sonship. From the Old to the New Testament it pleased the Father to make known the truth that Jesus was His Son. Certainly one of the greatest declarations is found in the First chapter of the book of Hebrews. The confession of the Father pertaining to His Son is, < Thou art MY Son >. The saying of a proud Father concerning an obedient Son. < I have begotten thee >. The joy of Fatherhood. < Thy throne, O God >. His eternal position of leadership acknowledged and also a complete disclosure of His status in the Godhead. < God, anointed by God, with the oil of gladness >.

God, the Father, anointing God, the Son, with God, the Holy Ghost. The equality and the unity of the Godhead is perfect. God knows who He is and what the relationship is that exists in the Godhead. It is man that confuses and makes a muddle of the revelation of God as seen in the scriptures.:END::wk).

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