Rather than a Rapture the Word of God depicts a deliverance, a taking out to a place of security and protection for the Bride during the Tribulation period. This is found in Rev.12:6 As the Lord took Israel out of Egypt, so He will deliver His Bride and take her unto Himself in a place prepared by Him. We will consider this more fully later on in our studies of Isaiah.
The protection of the Lord is promised to the Bride, in the wilderness. Isa.4:5 The whole of Mount Zion, not the physical but the spiritual, will have the same glorious covering of the presence of the Lord upon it. The Bride will live under the cloud of the glory of the Lord for the full time of the Tribulation.
The language used in promising this Divine overshadowing is not unfamiliar to those who study their Bibles. A cloud and smoke is the visible manifestation of the personal presence of the Lord. The pillar of the cloud was that which led the children of Israel as they escaped from Egypt. Ex.14:19They followed the cloud, not the crowd. The experience of the two groups was different. What was light and comfort to Israel was darkness and dread to the Egyptians. Ex.14:20, 24. The cloud covered the Tabernacle in the wilderness while the glory of God filled the Tent, so much so that Moses was unable to enter it. When the cloud covers the Bride she will be completely and totally filled with all the glory of the Lord. While the taking out of the Bride is not the Rapture that so many expect. The experience of the Bride in the wilderness will be RAPTUROUS.
The shining of a flaming fire. A fire that does not harm or damage those who walk with the Lord. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and FIRE. Mt. 3:11 The fire of the Spirit is pleasant and extremely enjoyable. This fire purges the dross and sanctifies the spirit. This is nothing less than the glorious and majestic presence of the Living God, for our God is a consuming fire. Heb.12:29 Moses received his call when God spoke to him out of the unconsumed burning bush. Ex.3:2 The Angel of the Lord (Jesus) when visiting Manoah, departed by stepping into the flame of the sacrifice and ascending with it into heaven. Judg. 13:21. Ezekiel saw the cloud and the accompanying fire. Eze. 1:4 He saw the whirlwind (ruwach), the Spirit in great demonstration of power. He saw a great cloud and the accompanying fire. The fire was like that of a fire storm, whirling and infolding itself, a fire of great activity. The heart of the fire appeared to him as glowing metal. He also saw a brilliant light surrounding the cloud. God is light. Ezekiels vision is a reality to the Bride in the wilderness.