What is the assessment of the Lord today, toward Jerusalem? It is likened, spiritually, to Sodom. Rev. 11:8 Isaiah was anything but gentle when he prophesied to Jerusalem for he identified them with Sodom and Gomorra. A terrible judgment against them. Isa. 1:10. He like wise cried out against the prophets of Jerusalem for their refusal to present the truth to the people. Jer. 23:14 He looks upon it as Egypt, or bondage, captivity and slavery. The city of which the scripture is speaking is then positively identified. It is the city where our Lord was crucified. Jesus was put to death in Jerusalem. In a day and a time when so many are exalting Jerusalem as the city of God it is difficult to go against that which is commonly believed and taught. However we must stay with the Word of God and proclaim the truth.
It is also identified as the great city. Rev. 11:8 The city that was responsible for the death of prophets and saints. Jesus brought this indictment against them. The tombs of the prophets are today a tourist attraction and so, they are maintained but Jesus said; your fathers killed the prophets. The Lord had prophesied that they would do likewise to the apostles whom he would send to them. Because of this the responsibility of all blood shed, from Able to Zechariah would be upon them.
Lk. 11:47-51 Paul continued the judgment against them by saying that they killed their own prophets as well as the Lord. He continued by saying; they pleased not God, and were contrary to all men. 1 Thes. 2:15.
Isaiah prophesied against them saying that the Lord would remove their supply and support. Isa. 3:1 He said that Jerusalem was ruined and fallen because of their speech and doings which were contrary to the ways of the Lord. Also that their sin was likened unto Sodom. Isa. 3:8-9. These are horrible indictments against Jerusalem. The cure is to repent and turn to the Lord with all their hearts. There is so much more that could be considered. Our purpose was to contrast the old with the new. The city of the Lord for today and eternity is the NEW JERUSALEM. No city of this present world is a holy city. Many different religions have their shrine cities that to them are holy. The Lord promises a city wherein will dwell eternal righteousness. That city is His city. The city proceeding out of heaven that bears the name New Jerusalem. All of the inhabitants of that city will have His name written upon them, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. They are His. They have been redeemed by His blood. They will gladly and proudly bear that glorious name. The name of the New Jerusalem is also written upon them. Rev.22:4 This is the city of the overcomer. The victorious. The triumphant. There is no comparison between the old and the new cities. Make sure you are a part of the NEW.