Insurrection in Heavens

He is called the god of this world. 2 Cor.4:4 His purpose is to blind the mind of them which believe not. Sometimes even believers minds are blinded and precious truths are hidden from them, because the have minds that are closed. His purpose is to keep the glorious light, not only light but the glorious light of the gospel from shining into hearts.

God is in command of all light natural and spiritual. 2 Cor. 4:6 All light is created by Him. His very nature is light. The scriptures declare that God is light. 1 Jn.1:5 Darkness never dispels light but light always causes darkness to flee. The glorious gospel is that which has shinned into our hearts, whereby we understand all the glorious blessings that are in Christ Jesus.

The anointed cherub that covereth contrasted. Eze. 28:14 The most holy item of furniture in the Tabernacle and the Temple was the Mercy Seat that Covered the Ark of the Covenant. In order to function the whole of these buildings had to be anointed with the holy anointing oil. Also the Priests had to be anointed. Lucifer was anointed for service. The word in Hebrew used indicates out spread wings. The wings of the Cherubim of the Mercy Seat were outspread and overshadowing the Mercy Seat itself. The Mercy Seat and the Cherubim are a type of the Godhead. One solid piece of gold hammered into three sections. Remember Lucifer was created. He does not have the standing nor the attributes of God. However the high place afford him in Gods economy is absolutely startling to the human mind. He was in as close a proximity to God as a created being could be. He was a cherub, of high rank in the kingdom of God, but not really God. To cover was the position of the wings of the Cherubim on the Mercy Seat. They looked down on the atonement that was consummated on the Mercy Seat. Blood was sprinkled there by the High Priest. Lucifer could not accomplish that. Only the blood of Jesus covers our sin and makes atonement for us. Was Lucifer jealous? Jealousy is as cruel as the grave, the coals there of are coals of fire. Song of Solomon 8:6.:END:

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