by: Rev.Clyde Joe McKnight
Page: 11
Seattle, October 10, 2005. (101)
THE LORD SPOKE TO ISRAEL. His voice was heard booming from Mount Horeb, from the midst of the cloud and fire that shrouded the mountain. But He did not show Himself. They saw no form or likeness of any sort. The Lord purposely did so, knowing their hearts. If they had seen a form they would have made an image of that form and worshipped it. Deut. 4:15-18 Obviously, the Lord had a definite reason for not revealing Himself to them in that day. Even today, we have pictures hanging in homes and churches, supposedly of Christ, which are but the imagination of some man as to His appearance.
WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? To really see what Jesus looks like, consider, His face and body were bruised and beaten, more than any others. Isa. 52:14 His back was excessively beaten until the flesh was exposed and torn. The beard of His face was plucked, no doubt tearing the skin. His face was covered with spittle. Isa. 50:6 They Beat Him in the face, they challenged Him to exhibit physic powers by exposing who is was that struck Him. Mt. 26:67-68 He was not a handsome man nor did He have a great physic. Isa. 53:2 So, you feel ejected, how about Jesus? Rejected, ridiculed, mocked and scoffed at by the very people He came to help. Luke 22:63 Two centuries later He is still being turned down by the unsaved of this world. No man has ever, nor ever will feel the rejection that Jesus has felt. Isa. 53:4 Physically, physiologically, mentally He was hurt, harmed and injured beyond measure. Isa. 53:4-5 Not only was He smitten of men but He was also smitten and forsaken by His own Father.
BY HIMSELF. On the cross, He was alone. The Father who cannot look upon sin, had to leave Him. The Holy Spirit, His eternal companion could not stand by Him. He cried out, “My God, (Father), My God (Holy Spirit), why has thou forsaken me? Mt. 27:46 Neither the cross nor a replica of the cross is our salvation. The Christ, the Lamb of God, who was hung on that cross is our only salvation. After His resurrection He still bore the marks of crucifixion. To the doubter, Thomas He said,” Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side.” John 20:27 NIV. The signs of His anguish and suffering are still visible and will be so eternally. The evidence of the slain Lamb is precisely in the midst of the eternal throne of the Lord as a witness and testimony of the mighty work of redemption. Rev. 5:6.
Seattle, October 11, 2005. (102)
SEEING WITH THE EYE OF FAITH. Moses, the leader used of the Lord to deliver Israel from Egypt was a man of faith. By his faith he saw the living God. Though he did not physically see the Lord, face to face (only His back), yet he was convinced that the Lord lived. He was so involved in the glorious manifestations of the might and power of the Lord that he had complete faith in Him. Heb. 11:27 The invisible is that which is real for it is everlasting. The visible is but temporal, everything in this life has its beginning then its demise. “Spirit is the highest form of being and God is essentially and eternally Spirit. This means that He is not confined to the limitations of matter, and does not possess a human body in any way visible to the physical eye”. H. Lockyer.
HE SHARES HIS LIFE WITH THOSE WHO LOVE HIM. Spiritual life, the life of very God, imparted by the Lord assures one of everlasting life. Achieving the life of His Spirit has to be the highest goal set before mankind. So many assume that death is the portal to heaven and that after death all go there. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Except a man be born again, he cannot SEE the kingdom of God. John 3:3 How could one possibly enter a place in which they have not believed and they cannot see? God, who “is a Spirit:” must be worshiped by the living. John 4:24 The believing, see with the eye of faith. Therefore are born of the Spirit and are assured of living forever in His presence.
THE LORD IS A PERSON, A SPIRITUAL ENTITY. He is known and addressed as a person. Wonderfully and powerfully He has introduce Himself as “I AM”. Ex. 3:14 The always existing One whether taking time or eternity into account, He is there. Ever living, the key to life. The essential being. The very essence of life. One who cannot die. He is eternal and eternity itself. Apart from Him there is no life. “I AM WHO I AM”. This proclamation sets Him apart from all else who might be called god. He is above all others, real and personal. True God. He alone establishes the criteria required of the true God. He alone can satisfy that high and holy standard. None other can meet the vast dimensions of power, majesty and eternal glory. The LORD He is God and none other. He reigns supremely, on high. For all this, he loves mankind with a never ending love.
Seattle, October 12, 2005. (103)
THE TRUE SOURCE OF LIFE. Life, involving every manner of life. From vegetable life to spiritual life. From the lowest to the highest. There is but one supply of life and that is the Lord. That life which is found in the Father He has shared with His Son, the Lord Jesus. Thus illustrating the equality that is to be found in the Godhead. John 5:26 David portrayed it as a fountain of life which was the possession of the Lord. Ps. 36:9 Zechariah called is a fountain of cleansing. A place where sinners could come and find cleansing. Zech. 13:1 John saw it as a pure river of “water of life,” crystal clear, no pollutants, nothing discoloring its pristine waters. Its fountain head is the throne of God and the Lamb. Here, once again we see the involvement of the Father and the Son. Rev. 22:1 This river is a river of spiritual water. The I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end has extended to ALL a most gracious invitation to come and drink of these waters, freely, without cost or restraint. Rev. 21:6 Likewise, the Spirit and the Bride call for mankind to come, all those who thirst let them come and drink deeply of the water of life. Rev. 22:17.
THE SPIRIT IS HE WHO REVEALS THE LORD. The natural mind cannot comprehend the things that be of God. As unlikely as it may seem, human intelligence is not sufficient to understand the Lord and His eternal being. 1 Cor. 2:11b Remember, God is a Spirit and may only be known by virtue of the working of the Spirit in the life of an individual. All things Spiritual are made known through the moving and enlightenment of the Spirit upon the Word. 1 Cor. 2:14 The Spirit is He who illuminates the Word to us. To reveal is simply to open the understanding and cause one to comprehend what the Lord is saying, through His Word, by the Spirit. It is His desire that His people know the most intimate thoughts and intents of His heart. He seeks a companionship with His people where there are no secrets, no hidden agendas. He will make known to His Bride the deepest thoughts and purposes of His character and being. 1 Cor. 2:10 God, who is a Spirit will create a spiritual Zion and bring forth in them the very essence of Himself. A unity that is formed of the Lord and a revelation that binds the whole of the body of Christ in to a complete unit. They shall see eye to eye. Isa. 52:6 By one Spirit blended, unified, becoming one body. A body which will function as one. Not spastic, not divided, but perfectly joined as a unit. Eph. 4:4-6.
Seattle, October 13, 2005. (104)
JEALOUSY. We see from the Word that He has given man some of the same characteristics which are to be found in God. They ascribe distinct and personal existence to the Lord. For instance, He is a jealous God. So much so that His very name is Jealous. Ex. 34:14 He has every right to possess and feel this emotion, for it is the Lord who has created mankind. It is He who has loved us with an everlasting love. A Love which has gone to the extreme in His divine effort to redeem His fallen creation. Because of His nature, He requires that He be Lord of our lives and that there be none other who would be even considered. He is moved to jealousy when anything or anyone other that Himself is worshiped. Ex. 20:5 Rightfully so, for He alone is worthy of worship and praise. We must be aware of the fact that there is a difference between the emotions of the Lord and ours. He is just and righteous. His emotions are sanctified and uncontaminated by the carnal mind.
GRIEVED. People, outside of the garden of the Lord lived without restraints. Their lives were depraved and extremely wicked. It is sometimes amazing the propensity that people have to concoct and conjure evil and wicked devices. The scams that are perpetrated on people are astonishing. Nothing but a Godless and satanic mind could think of such schemes. It is no wonder for Jesus said that, “as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Mt 24:37 In the days of Noe the Lord saw that the state of man was such that, “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Gen. 6:5 Therefore, “it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.” Gen. 6:6 The Lord knew deep sorrow because of the extreme wickedness of that generation. History repeats itself. He sent a flood and destroyed all but those who had taken refuge in the Ark. We are living in the last days and the condition of the hearts of men are quickly become like those before the flood.
DISPLEASED. Even to a degree where He became angry. In this instance it was Solomon who provoked the Lord. He turned Away from the very source of his wisdom and exaltation as a King. He allowed his many wives with their various religions to lead him astray. Therefore, the kingdom would be removed from his household and from his son. 1 Kings 11:9-12.
Seattle, October 14, 2005. (105)
HE IS CAPABLY OF HATE. Prov. 6:17-19.
HATING PRIDE. The scripture list seven acts of mankind which are an offense to the Lord. So much so, that He hates them when they are manifest in human nature. The first certainly has its origin in heaven, but not from the Lord. The look of PRIDE and words of pride were spoken by the mouth of a created being whom we know as Lucifer, or the devil. In his conceit and pride he tried to usurp the authority of the Lord and to control heaven. Isa. 14:11-14 No wonder the Lord hates the self-center, self-exalting spirit that shows itself in people, both saved and unsaved. It must be most repulsive to Him when He sees it in those who call themselves Christians.
A LYING TONGUE. A person or persons who do not speak the truth but distort it by speaking half truths. Speaking by innuendo and intimation. There are also those who do not speak the truth even when they know it. It is not difficult to understand His aversion to such deeds for this too is a satanic manifestation. Jesus identified the source of all lies. The devil, who from the beginning was a murder and a liar. John 8:44.
MURDER. The murder of innocents. How often today do we hear of babies being shaken until they die. Drive by shootings and murders are common place in this modern wicked world. This too is on the list of the actions of men which the Lord hates. The prophet Isaiah expressed the feelings of the Lord in these matters in a manner that is self explanatory. Isa. 59:4-5.
A HEART CONNIVING MISCHIEF. Literally, wicked schemes. Thoughts and deliberations aimed at scamming some innocent unsuspecting person. Identity thefts, robberies, home invasions, car jacking and so on. Micah said that they lie awake nights plotting their wicked deeds and then when morning comes they fall on their prey. Note, he said woe to them for surely except they repent, there is coming a day of retribution. Micah 2:1 There seems to be no end to the continuous flow of ideas, ways and means whereby they plot to steal from their fellow man. Surely we are living in the last days. How much louder must the Lord speak than what He has already spoken? These are perilous times. 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
Seattle, October 17, 2005. (106)
IN EVERY ASPECT OF HIS BEING, GOD IS LOVE. If a persons idea of love is to be coddled, pampered and babied then they do not know the love of the Lord. True love is that which brings an improvement to the life of others. The love manifest by the Lord will rebuke. It will make evident the fault, the inconsistence of one’s life, while at the same time producing a change for the better. It will also chasten, bring correction that will result in the life of Christ being developed in His people. Rev. 1:19 Correction is made by repentance. These are not always easy things to receive but they are extremely necessary if we are to be the bride of Christ.
THE MAGNITUDE OF HIS LOVE. Jesus expressed the greatest of love as being that where one would give their life for others. Jesus gave His life for His friends. Then He specified who His friends were. Those who do, “whatsoever I command.” John15:13 It is His love which brings us into a relationship whereby we may be called His friends. It is His love that causes us to understand His will. His love is not without its corrections. The correction performed in love is vital. Prov. 27:6 It is the guidance of His love that leads us on the path of righteousness in obedience to the Word of the Lord. It is a most wonderful thought to meditate on the foresight of His love. Scores of generations before we were born into this world He had already died for us. He planned a salvation that would elevate those who would received Him to the status of friends. He is that Friend who “sticketh closer than a brother.” Prov. 18:24 He is the friend who loves under all circumstance and at all times. It is an unfailing love. Prov. 17:17a.
THE EXTENT OF THE FATHERS LOVE. Of His love for His Son there can be no doubt, for He said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Mt. 3:17 The Father left no question as to the tremendous love He had for the Lord Jesus. The mutual bond between the Father and the Son is never more apparent than in the love that is found between them. Jesus abode in the love of His Father. John 15:9 The very same love is made available to those who follow the Lord Jesus. The same requirements are applicable to our live as His. He obeyed the Fathers commandments. So, as we continue following Him in obedience to His will, we are privileged to abide in that same Love. He said, “ye shall abide in my love.” John 15:10 His love is the secret place of the Most High.
Seattle, October 18, 2005. (107)
ACCESS TO THE FATHER. An ability that is presented to all men whether Jew or Gentile. The immediate throne presence of the Lord made available to all who will call upon Him. Jesus the door. No other possible way of gaining entrance. John 10:9 Jesus the only way, all other ways lead astray. All who would come to the Father have to come through Jesus and Jesus alone. John 14:6 The Lord Jesus is the mediator. The scriptures plainly show that there is absolutely no other way. We approach God, the one true God, through the “one mediator,” The man, Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 2:5 There may be many spokes in a wheel connected to a hub, but there is only one God. He has produced a New Covenant in His own blood. We may stand in the Holy, awesome presence of the Father only by the blood of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Heb. 12:24 The one
showing us the true way and the true God, is the Spirit of God. He convicts of sin. He directs us in the paths of righteousness while at the same time revealing the Father and the Son to us. He is the means whereby salvation becomes a part of our life. He is vital to our spiritual life and growth in the Lord. Eph.2:18 We are able to view here the workings of the Triune God in imparting eternal life to us.
PAUL PRAYED TO THE FATHER. He bowed before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. An acknowledgement of the greatness of the Father and an act of submission to Him. It is impressive that Paul in speaking of “our” Lord Jesus Christ expressed possession. A declaration that Christ indeed dwelt within his heart and life. Eph. 3:14 This was not an _expression of familiarity but an assertion of fact. Having received the blessings of the Lord in great abundance he was able to witness unequivocally that he had received great spiritual blessings, from the Father, through Christ. Eph. 1:3.
THE FAMILY NAME. The whole of the earthly family of the Lord has the right and privilege of bearing that name. We are named after Him, not Father, nor Son, nor yet Spirit, but the name which the Father gave His Son. The Lord Jesus Christ. That name supercedes every name ever given to a man. Eph. 3:15 His name is that to which every man will bow and give obeisance to Him. Confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. Which when we honor the Son and His name we also ascribe glory to the Father. He gave Jesus that name and all the power and glory that accompanies that name. Phil. 2:9-11.
Seattle, October 19, 2005. (108)
A HEAVENLY, SPIRITUAL GRANT THAT IS INEXHAUSTABLE. It is the work of the Spirit to illuminate the human heart. Making known to them the manifold blessings that are available to those who belong to the family of the Lord. It is He who conveys to the people of the Lord “the riches of His glory.” Eph. 3:16. These are the riches of which Jesus spoke, riches that are beyond the corruption of rust and moth. Far beyond the ability of thieves or con-artists to lay their sticky fingers on and steal. Our hearts follow that upon which we place value. The treasure and the heart are one. Mt. 6:19-21 Would you believe that the gathering of riches is a last day sign. James said that gold and silver would be cankered, corroded and rust, or become poisonous. Also, that it would “eat your flesh as by fire.” That most definitely speaks of a consuming lust for the riches of this world. James 5:3 Be careful not to trust in the “uncertain riches” of this world. Trust in the Lord “who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” 1 Tim. 6:17.
CHRIST IN YOU. Amazing, unbelievable, yet so wondrously true. Christ dwells, by faith, within the hearts and spirit nature of those who know the Lord. Eph. 3:17 This completes the cycle. Paul spoke of the Father, then the Spirit and now the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Spirit of Christ, and the Words of Christ which reveal to us that glorious and most precious anointing of the Holy Spirit. Christ in us is the hope of the glory of the Lord. Jesus promised that those who loved and obeyed His Word would receive a very special visitation. He promised that the Father would love them and that “WE will come and “make our abode with him.” John 14:23 Moreover, Paul said that He, that is the fullness of the Lord, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit would “walk in them.” 2 Cor. 6:16 When such a beautiful harmony prevails in us it is not difficult to walk in the ways of the Lord, and to do His perfect will. The ultimate purpose of the Lord for these last days is to find for Himself a people who are sold out completely to him. These He will blend together into one body. Building them into the Temple of the Lord. A Temple exemplifying the Holiness of the Lord. A vessel dedicated solely to the Masters use. His permanent habitation through the Spirit of the living God. Eph. 2:22 Thus we see, the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit in an eternal and everlasting house of the Triune God. The riches of His grace is seen in the redemption He has purchased for us by His own blood. Eph. 1:7 What blessedness.
Seattle, October 20, 2005. (109)
UNTOLD NUMBERS, YET ONE. The body of Christ, the Church that which is to become His bride is viewed as a unit. As the physical body consists of many members, that is, from head to toe, so the mystical body of Christ with its many components is one body. 1 Cor. 12:12 A unit, solidly knit together but still manifesting differences. Rom. 12:4-6 Jesus prayed for His disciples that they might be “one.” Even to the measure that is to be found in the Godhead, “as we are one.” John 17:12 The “we” representing more than one, but Jesus said, ” we are one.” Indicating both the plurality and the unity or oneness of God as seen in the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. The body likewise is made up of a great number of people, still it is one body. Eph. 4:4 To such a grand degree is the body one with Christ that she is called, ” members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.” Eph. 5:30 There is no closer affiliation than that. She is one with Him. Paul uses this as a great mystery but stated that he was speaking of Christ and the church.Eph. 5:31.
ONE SPIRIT. In the world there are many spirits. In the Lord there is but one Spirit. Eph. 4:4 That is the Spirit of truth which is sent forth of the Father. John 14:16 The Spirit was to come as “another comforter” one who was like the one that went away. John 14:16 Then Jesus said, “I will come to you.” John 14:18 Was He playing tricks on them, no of course not. God is a Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and truth. John 4:24 Also the scriptures mention the “Spirit of Christ.” Rom. 8:9 Does each member of the Godhead have a different Spirit? The Spirit is one, the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit is in the Father and in the Son in that grand and glorious union that is found in its
perfection in our God. That same Spirit is He who fills the members of the body of Christ. Always leading and guiding them in the ways everlasting.
ONE FAITH. One belief, one doctrine. Most assuredly there is no schism in the Godhead, no division of teaching. The Father was in Christ and Christ was in the Father. John 14:10-11 Jesus came forth from the Father, which would mean that He had left the immediate throne presence of His Father. John 16:28 Nevertheless, Jesus lived by the Father. The life of the Father, who is life itself, was in the Lord Jesus. Those who partake of the bread of heaven live by that bread which is the Lord Jesus Christ. That bread is not only the bread of communion, it is also that living bread which came down from the Father. John 6:57.
Seattle, October 21, 2005. (110)
ONE GOD. There can be but one. In revealing Himself to Israel The Lord through His Word said, “Hear O Israel: the Lord our God is one LORD. Deut. 6:4 The key to understanding the Godhead is in the word “one.” In Hebrew it is echad, meaning united, alike, together. Accepting the connotation of the word at face value we come to the conclusion that while there is but “One God.” There is a blending together which provides that unity whereby God is plainly seen in the scriptures as Father, Son and Spirit. In that unity, there is He who is known as the Father. Both Paul and Peter used the term, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 1:3, Col. 1:3, 1 Peter 1:3 Then Paul gave Him the status as being Father of all. In other words, the source of all that lives. The creator, the one who brought all things into existence. His rank is evidenced in the statement that, “He is over all.” Having a rapport with mankind whereby He has taken up residence within them, for He is through (action) all and in (abiding) all. As He was in Christ, so He desires to be in an obedient church. Eph. 4:4.
GOD WAS IN CHRIST. In a blessed work of reconciliation human beings are brought into precious fellowship with the Lord. Their sins are washed away, they are fully pardoned. 2 Cor. 5:19 How complete was that affinity? In announcing to Joseph the coming of the savior into the world it was stated that His name was to be Jesus. Furthermore, this Jesus was to be Emmanuel which being interpreted is “God with us.” Mt. 1:23 To verify this Paul wrote to Timothy concerning the Lord Jesus that God was manifest in flesh. That ties the Father the Son in perfect unity. 1 Tim. 3:16 The people who opposed Him in that day recognized the fact that when Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the Son of God, He was making Himself equal to God. John 5:18 Jesus came in the form of God. Being in the explicit likeness and nature of His Father, “He thought it not robbery to be equal with God who was His Father. In physical form. In Spiritual prowess. In everything that is eternal and Godlike, He is equal to His Father. Phil. 2:6 Christ is the image of the invisible God. The Father is perceived in His Son who is acknowledged as being the “express image of His person.” That makes Him to be exactly all that is seen in the Father. Heb. 1:3 As the Son He was in complete submission to the Father and perfectly fulfilled the will of the Father.