God Is

Seattle, May 25, 2005. (3)

LIGHT THE LIFE OF THE WORLD. He is life. The support of all life comes from one source and one source alone. John writing concerning the Lord Jesus said that, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” From the very start, all the creation of the Lord needed light to live. To maintain that life He created green herbs and they became the food of substance for the living creatures of the earth. Gen. 1:30 The green leaves of plants use light to combine carbon dioxide and water to create food. In this manner, light energy is converted into chemical energy. Light is processed into food. The food produced by light is eaten by men and animals and life is further sustained. God who is light, maintains the natural balance for life to continue on this earth. He is the light of life. Without the light of the Lord there would be no life on earth and this world would be one big glob of ice, bleak and barren. It might well be noted here that nutritionist are emphasizing the need of green vegetables in our diets. John 1:4

THE WORD OF GLORY BECAME FLESH. Wonder of wonders, the eternal ever existing Word, the Logos, became a man. Dwelling among men they saw His eternal deity. So powerful is the love of the Lord for man that He was compelled by its force to come to earth to redeem His fallen creation. Jesus, in earthly journey made manifest the glory of the Father. John 1:14 Like light, there were two sides of His nature to be manifest. The spiritual, eternal nature of God which He had always possessed. Then the natural, the body of flesh, the character of one born of a woman. Light is at once and the same time material and immaterial. The material being the natural while the immaterial is a type of that which is spiritual. Light when shining through a crystal is scattered in a manner that can only be done by a wave which is immaterial. On the other hand, light is so substantial that it falls of its own weight. When nearing a star it is known to bend by the weight of the stars gravity. The Lord of abundant and tender mercies visited this earth as the dayspring from on high. The rising of light, the dawn of a new day from the East. Lk. 1:78 The light of the world, both natural and spiritual combined in one person, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the true light a light dispelling all bondage and darkness from the hearts of those who come to that glorious light. John 1:9 The unrighteous resist and fight the light for that light reproves sin. Those who embrace the truth come to that light that they might receive pardon and forgiveness from their sins. John 3:20 The eye is the gate through which light enters. If that eye is singled to righteousness the whole is filled with righteousness. If the eye is bent to see evil then the life is evil. Luke 11:34

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